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Corona and politics

What is certain, in the midst of the great uncertainties that have been kindled by the novel coronavirus crisis, is that the world will not be the same when it…

Challenge Through Law

Challenge through law

To paraphrase historian Ayesha Jalal on the strategy used by Asma Jahangir to fight oppression and promote human rights; she used the power of law. In other words, according to…

Opposition disarray, government’s challenges

One month after the July 25, 2018 elections, the process of governments' formation, cabinet postings, etc, is still playing out. Above this fray, the election for president looms, having exposed…

Performance audit of FBR

In recent days, the Supreme Court of Pakistan ordered the audit of Pakistan Railways and Pakistan International Airlines to find out the causes of rampant corruption and inefficiency in these…

The PSM fall

Employing more than 40,000 workers, Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) was a gigantic force - multiplier for employment downstream indirectly contributing to the national economy. Once a prized asset, the PSM…

The PSM fall

Employing more than 40,000 workers, Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) was a gigantic force - multiplier for employment downstream indirectly contributing to the national economy. Once a prized asset, the PSM…

Surrender at Faizabad

As distressing as it is the humiliating capitulation of the State before a small religio-political party, Tehreek Labbaik Ya Rasool Allah (TLYRA), should not be so surprising. It is symptomatic…

Case of the missing news

We grew up with our grandmother often making references to the ‘Sulaimani topi’ , the proverbial cap that made the wearer magically disappear from view. Much, much later, the concept…

Tax frauds, corruption & NAB

In majority tax frauds, the usual parties are the official(s) and the taxpayer(s). Cases where unilateral tax fraud is committed are rare such as using fictitious bank account(s) to obtain…

The corrupt, tax cheats, ‘secrecy’ & RTI — II

The passing of Foreign Assets (Declaration and Repatriation) Act, 2018, the Voluntary Declaration of Domestic Assets Act, 2018, promulgation of the Assets Declaration Ordinance, 2019 and later enacted as the…