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The message from Istanbul

IT was an uplifting moment at the Trafalgar Square protest against Donald Trump’s visit to London. The carnival of protesters reminded me of the way we used to hold demonstrations…

Revitalising devolution

THE question of devolution of power to the grass roots is often missing in the discourse on democratic transformation. It, however, goes to the credit of the PTI that it…

Amendments And Distortions

Amendments and distortions

Pakistan’s parliament is such a barren place these days, failing spectacularly to fulfil any of its three functions – representation, legislation and oversight. And yet it can suddenly leap into…

Litmus tests for devolution

LAST week, the Punjab Assembly passed two pieces of legislation designed to overhaul the system of local government (LG) and administration in the province. The Local Government Act, 2019, and…

The Age Of Ineptness

The age of ineptness

Just as the era of Reiwa begins in Japan this year with the ascension to throne of the new emperor, Pakistan is in the throes of an era of ineptitude…

The Words They Speak

The words they speak

The cabinet reshuffle has receded as a news story but remains a hot topic, good enough to cause a bout of histrionics by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. The media may be…

Why The PTI Must Not Fail

Why the PTI must not fail

Pakistan is in the midst of a unique experiment. Unbeknown we have marched into an era where our political journey as a society has evolved to the point of a…

Appointments on merit

It is reported that Prime Minister Imran Khan has surrendered his discretionary powers, in favour of a uniform institutional mechanism to appoint Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of around 65 State-Owned…

A Tale Of Two Deals

A tale of two deals

It was the best of deals, it was the worst of deals, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair (that too, without gas). Pakistani politics…

Road to rural transformation: Part – I

Driven by energy, hope, optimism, confidence and conviction, Shoaib Sultan Khan has all the credentials of a leader who continues to inspire the development world today. The lasting relevance of…