Economic reforms: Part – XXVIII
We now turn to the subject of population welfare to complete our coverage of social sectors. Nothing is more critical for long term economic and social stability of Pakistan than…
We now turn to the subject of population welfare to complete our coverage of social sectors. Nothing is more critical for long term economic and social stability of Pakistan than…
In recent years, there has been a consistent increase in Chinese trade with and investment in South Asia. It has been argued that smaller states South Asia have welcome China’s…
The second major initiative taken in the last decade was the devolution of power to provinces under the 18th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2010. Undoubtedly, parliament made these changes in accordance…
Economic notes The term ‘economic reform’ is an amorphous concept. Since the word ‘reform’ is very attractive, anything can be sold in its garb. In this article, we will explore…
Economic notes The agenda of reforms in the power sector has moved in fits and starts and remains unpredictable to this day. Its sequencing was abnormal and, as we have…
The tariff differential subsidy (TDS) spawned perverse incentives for a number of players and was detrimental to the fiscal system. We describe here the tariff regime and the nature of…
Turning our attention away from the tariff differential subsidy (TDS), we look at other distortions caused by pushing public-sector entities to a regulator without divesting them from government ownership. The…
Pakistan’s road to economic development is long, bumpy and full of potholes. With per capita income of about $1456 our world ranking is 140th. It is a periphery country. The…
The second Benazir government (Oct 1993-Nov 1996) started off with considerable poise and maturity. The privatisation programme was to continue apace, despite numerous misgivings developed in the context of a…
The second Nawaz Sharif government (Feb 1997 - Oct 1999) was formed with an overwhelming majority. However, the mood of the government was indelibly affected by a long series of…