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Quite Unlike The PNA

Quite unlike the PNA

It is finally the women who have united people who had long been busy identifying the factors that separated them from one another. The so-called religious political parties have given…

The Jamaat’s journey

The Jamaat-e-Islami, which used to be a mainstream religious political party of the 1970s, has gradually faded into political obscurity due to wrong policies. Once a formidable political group with…

Carter’s centuries

JIMMY Carter’s extraordinary longevity partly accounts for his exceptional status among the US presidential pantheon. He was born when Calvin Coolidge occupied the White House, the Soviet Union was in…

Caretaker system’s future

THE national sentiment seems to be strongly opposed to the continuation of the current constitutional arrangement of appointing caretaker governments at the federal and provincial level when the legislatures are…

The Bhutto wound

THE Supreme Court’s March 6 judgement gives valid legal reasons why the trial that led to the verdict ordering Z.A. Bhutto’s execution in 1979 did not meet the requirements of…

A riotous future?

AS our judges, generals and ruling class politicians continue to engage in myopic, factional battles for money and power, the teeming masses are increasingly restive. Every day there are new…

Three headlines, three crises

THE previous week began with high-profile UN meetings and international hobnobbing and ended with a judicial conference, audio leaks from the Prime Minister’s Office and an unsurprising change at the finance ministry. Stories were big and…

Lessons from past crises

PAKISTAN’S political crisis is deepening with every passing day. The fact that the Punjab Assembly election that was scheduled for April 30 has been delayed to Oct 8 by the…

Unceasing political vendetta

WE have a history of political feuds and vendetta that run through generations. It may be difficult to pinpoint the origins of the politics of vendetta but the misuse of…