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Political Battling Vs National Interests

Political battling vs national interests

This trend is an about-turn, though not by the US, and proves how in the past the US forced European countries to pursue fundamentally wrong strategies. While it proves yet…

National Interests

National interests

Policy puzzles are solved solely in the national interest. So be it! As a first step to regain lost dignity we need to follow a foreign policy that promotes a…

Revisiting National Interests

Revisiting national interests

One thing is crystal clear and it is that we have to resurrect ourselves as a state and a society. And that, with luck, we might be able to do…

National Interests And Diplomacy

National interests and diplomacy

One hears much talk in the media these days about national interests and diplomacy, but many commentators do not seem to be clear about the meaning of these terms. Similarly,…

Consumer end tariff design and National Electricity Plan 2023

Utilities consider investments in generation, transmission, and distribution infrastructure as fixed costs because these investments are not influenced by individual customer energy consumption. Traditionally, these costs are covered by variable…

A look at the 15th National Assembly

With the 15th National Assembly completing its five-year term, the prospects for timely and free and fair elections to vote in the next National Assembly have darkened. The National Assembly’s…