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Parts of a jigsaw

TO reassemble the origins of Pakistan, one needs time, money and luck. Col­lectors of deltiology (the study and collection of postcards) need all three to make sense of Pakistan’s jigsaw…

Jinnah’s children

WE still haven’t figured out exactly who Mohammad Ali Jinnah — Quaid-i-Azam — is or was, even in 2024. Westernised liberal secular, or champion of religious freedom for Muslims? Brilliant…

Jinnah and Gandhi

HECTOR Bolitho’s biography, Jinnah: Creator of Pakistan, doesn’t get the attention it deserves, even though it was the Quaid-e-Azam’s first biography in English by an internationally recognised author. American writer…

Jinnah’s citizens

HISTORIANS have aptly noted that Jinnah kept his notion of Pakistan ambiguous — more promised homeland and less concrete reality, a tactical manoeuvre that ensured its clarion call would appeal…

Jinnah’s Pakistan is back?

With the fall of Hasina Wazed, the Prime Minister (PM), Bangladesh has started to move outside the Indian Halo. Once the dust settles, future course of action will unfold as…

Entertainment or jingoism?

Anti-Pakistan propaganda remains a recurrent theme in numerous Bollywood movies. Movies such as ‘Border’, ‘LoC Kargil’, ‘Raazi’, and ‘Uri’ carry an anti-Pakistan perspective as a central theme to the plot.…

JIT is no answer

THE federal government has formed a joint investigation team comprising officers of various investigation and intelligence agencies to “ascertain the facts behind a malicious social media campaign against Supreme Court judges”. Three…