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Pakistan’s green energy leap

Energy plays a vital role in sustainable economic growth and development. Over the last couple of years, climate change has played havoc socio-economically and so Pakistan has started a major…

Managing energy demand

LOOKING ahead, all households should consider investing in solar home systems for electricity and solar water heating to reduce energy expenses in the future. The government has historically provided unreasonably…

Reimagining the energy sector

IN the backdrop of the recent IMF deal, and renewed chatter on a Charter of Economy, much ink has also been spilled on the need to restructure Pakistan’s energy sector…

Is nuclear the answer to our energy SOS?

Energy security serves as the cornerstone of socio-economic development for any nation. Unfortunately, Pakistan has been ensnared in a web of energy challenges for decades, struggling to find a sustainable…

Energy challenges

We no longer have the luxury to exist in an isolated ecosystem where we can pre-determine the effect of international events on our policies and strategies. It has, instead become…

Pakistan’s energy sector

As a result of the alleged corruption and ineptitude of the power bureaucracy in the country, the cost of dealing with these issues is increasing. In accordance with the agreement…