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View from US

We protest too much, it can be safely said. But often it is for reasons that bear no results. We are a politics-soaked nation. Almost every Pakistani man, woman, even a kid, can be called a doctor of philosophy in politics. Many wish for an ‘Arab spring’

Anjum Niaz, "View from US," Dawn. 2012-08-18.
Keywords: Social sciences , National issues , Social issues , Social media , Energy crisis , Supreme court , Mass media , Politics , Politicians , Electricity , Loadshedding , Gen Musharraf , Sushil Kumar Shinde , President Zardari , PM Pervez Ashraf , Pakistan
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Do you think Shahrukh Khan is autistic? Does he give out vibes that send red flags up signalling that something is wrong with this man? Why else is he singled out by the US immigration when he flies in from India? Perhaps the security hounds, trained to c

Anjum Niaz, "View from US," Dawn. 2012-04-29.
Keywords: Social sciences , Social issues , Social crises , Social values , Social development , Human rights , Security issues , Religious issues , Mass media , Terrorism , Shahrukh Khan , India , United States , New York , New Haven , Egypt , China , WAAD
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I have a slice of chocolate left over from last New Year’s Eve dinner. Actually it’s a slice of life that Alex shared with me as we sat eating our last meal of 2011. It was about emotional intelligence, better known as ‘EQ’ with ‘Q’ as the quotient as in

Anjum Niaz, "View from US," Dawn. 2012-09-30.
Keywords: Political science , Political issues , International relations , International issues , Embassy-United States , Mass media , Politics , Hillary Clinton , Mitt Romney , President Obama , Daniel Coleman , Pakistan , United States , Afghanistan , Islamabad , Kabul , EQ , TV
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From Pakistan to America, headlines scream: money made by the elites stinks. Be it the secret Swiss account of US presidential hopeful Mitt Romney or President Zardari; Fauzia Gilani’s legendary ‘loot’ at Harrods or son Musa Gilani making a fortune in kil

Anjum Niaz, "View from US," Dawn. 2012-07-29.
Keywords: Political science , Political issues , Political process , International issues , International relations , Political leaders , Supreme court , Government-Pakistan , World Bank , Hans Rausing , President Zardari , Fauzia Gilani , Imran Khan , President Obama , Syed Babar Ali , Pakista
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In America too. A battle between the executive and the legislative mouths off, wrapping in President Obama, his Attorney General Eric Holder and the Republicans in the Congress. “Show us the documents,” bellow the Republicans who want to charge Holder for

Anjum Niaz, "View from US," Dawn. 2012-01-08.
Keywords: Political science , Political issues , Political process , International issues , Laws-United States , Mass media , Congress , Laws , President Obama , Rajat Gupta , Riaz Malik , Preet Bharara , United States , India , New York , VVIP , TV
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With carrot-coloured shaggy hair and droopy eyes; the 24-year-old who massacred 12 fellow Americans and injured another 52 in Aurora, Colorado. Called himself the ‘joker.’ Just as the Muslims in America had begun their first day of fasting, reality of lif

Anjum Niaz, "View from US," Dawn. 2012-05-09.
Keywords: Social sciences , Social issues , Social needs , Social ethics , Muslims-United States , Mass media , Electronic media , Jana Richman , Bertrand Russell , United States , TV
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Every year when July 4 comes around and America celebrates Independence Day, I wonder how many Pakistani-Americans have realised their desi dream. A passage to America means a ticket to heaven’s pearly gates. A permanent passport to paradise. Thousands dr

Anjum Niaz, "View from US," Dawn. 2012-07-15.
Keywords: Social sciences , Social issues , Social needs , Social art , Iphone-Apple , Computers-Apple , Encyclopedia , Sobia Hamlani , Noaman Vaidya , Gen Musharraf , United States , Pakistan , China , New York , NYT
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As stiff as our Foreign Office is, surely it must have come face to face with ‘Lady serendipity.’ No, it’s nothing sexy. It is something you stumble upon by accident and can use it to your advantage. A happenstance, if you will. Seize the moment and make

Anjum Niaz, "View from US," Dawn. 2012-11-25.
Keywords: Political science , Political parties , Political issues , Politics-United States , President Obama , President Zardari , Gen Musharraf , Mitt Romney , Imran Khan , Hina Rabbani , Mohammed Hasan Chandoo , Sohale Siddiqui , PM Gilani , Pakistan , United States
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Now here’s a man, many Americans may not have heard of. But there was a time when books by Gore Vidal were proudly displayed in Pakistan’s leading bookstores. The maestro had his own style, tone and thoughts. People read him because he was anti-establishm

Anjum Niaz, "View from US," Dawn. 2012-12-09.
Keywords: Political science , Political process , Political issues , Political leaders , Political parties , International issues , International relations , Mass media , Taliban , Terrorism , Terrorists , Politics , Abdul Hakim Murad , Gore Vidal , President Hosni Mubarik , Chris Matthews , Paki
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