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It seems that the stage has been finally set to replace the existing Sales Tax Law with the VAT with effect from 1st July, 2010 as the World Bank experts, after finalising the VAT implementation plan with the FBR have left for Washington to submit their r

Muhammad Shahid Baig, "VAT," Business recorder. 2010-05-14.
Keywords: Economics , Economy policy , Economic growth , 18th amendment , World Bank , Mass media , Criminal law , Law , Politics , Education , Health , Tax , Taxation , Democracy , Parliament , Pakistan , FBR , VAT , GST , GDP
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The sales tax, practically a value-added tax (VAT), was extended to services in 2000. According to the Constitution, the Federal government can levy sales tax only on the goods. In case of services only, provincial governments are entitled to levy sales t

S Tanvir Ahmad, "VAT," Business recorder. 2010-03-07.
Keywords: Economics , Economy , Tax , Taxes , Taxation , Politics , Parliament , Constitution , Democracy , Mass media , Banks and banking , Education , Electricity , Natural resources , Gas , Pakistan , GDP , KESC , NFC , FBR , VAT
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Pakistan, a country dipped in all sort of debts (external, internal, aid, swaps, etc), a country facing vicious circle of poverty, inequitable income distribution, a country having risky environment of doing business, a country facing energy shortfall, a

Nadia Hussain, "VAT," Business recorder. 2010-05-27.
Keywords: Economics , Economy , Politics , Poverty , Business , Trade , Democracy , Prices , Tax , Taxes , Mass media , Tax policy , Taxpayers , World Bank , Pakistan , IMF , VAT , FPCCI , FBR , PMLN , GST
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