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US ‘democracy agenda’ in ME

The United States ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, expressed her government’s “disgust” at the uncooperativeness of Beijing and Moscow on the Syria Resolution that called for the ouster of the Syrian government headed by Assad al-Bashar, alon

Asim Ali, "US ‘democracy agenda’ in ME," The News. 2012-08-03.
Keywords: Political science , Political issues , Political leaders , Foreign policy , Political process , International law , Human rights , Violation , Terrorism , Terrorists , Democracy , Violence , President Obama , Gen Gaddafi , Assad al-Bashar , Hillary Clinton , Middle Ea
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US ‘democracy agenda’ in ME

The United States ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, expressed her government’s “disgust” at the uncooperativeness of Beijing and Moscow on the Syria Resolution that called for the ouster of the Syrian government headed by Assad al-Bashar, alon

Asim Ali, "US ‘democracy agenda’ in ME," The News. 2012-08-03.
Keywords: Political science , Political issues , Political leaders , Foreign policy , Political process , International law , Human rights , Violation , Terrorism , Terrorists , Democracy , Violence , President Obama , Gen Gaddafi , Assad al-Bashar , Hillary Clinton , Middle Ea
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