Now that the first and perhaps the most exciting phase of Allama Tahirul Qadri’s campaign (“the 4-million March”) is over, what have the people learnt from it? Well for one, we all (except perhaps the Minhaj people) got to know about some hitherto unknown facets of Allama Tahirul Qadri’s versatile personality and character traits.
On his part the Allama made it clear in his voluble outbursts that he was no (mere) Maulvi or Mullah but “Professor” and “Doctor” Tahirul Qadri. Let us hope the Maulvis and the Mullahs in the country would not bring Islamic learning into disrepute by reacting in a tit-for-tat fashion to this affront. For most Pakistanis the Allama is now no more a mystery thanks to the way he was in media focus and in public eye during the past several weeks past.
CREDIT WHERE DUE The Allama must however get some credit for raising the noise level on some vital issues like effectiveness and resolve of the Election Commission to take seriously the requirements of the Constitution (reiterated recently by the Supreme Court) regarding the eligibility of a candidate to run for elective office especially the often talked about Articles 62 and 63. I think if the Chief Election Commissioner takes courage in both hands and comes out with a categorical statement that the Constitutional requirements would be fully adhered to and implemented in letter and spirit, that people with dual nationality, with fake degrees with convictions against them for these and similar disqualifying acts of omission and commission (not excluding tax evasion), would not be allowed to contest the next general elections, it may bring about a dramatic, positive change in the election environment. The big question is whether Fakhru Bhai would be able to call a meeting of the ECP, pull his act together and come out with a ringing declaration as above.
Unbelievably tall claims
Once that credit is given to the Allama there is not much that can be said on his behalf or for the ruckus he created for four days in Islamabad. Making exaggerated claims (about the size of the March, for example) is one of the more visible traits of his character. Again this is a very common attribute of the behaviour of many of our politicians. But the Allama distinguishes himself from the lot by persisting in his make-believe exaggerations. For example again, his insistence to the last that millions were taking part in the march was unbelievable effrontery in the face of estimates by foreign and Pakistani observers placing the Islamabad gathering at various times as numbering no more than 20,000 to 60,000. The Allama had some choice “unparliamentary” words for these observers. Graceful acceptance of error, a trait valued greatly by Allah Almighty Himself, is not one of Allama’s virtues!
Who helped enact Blasphemy Law?
Although many politicians are guilty of expressing contradictory opinions and adopting opposing postures on various issues, the Allama appears to excel in this trait. Video clips of his recorded statements show him in one clip taking full credit for passage of the Blasphemy Law while in another clip he can be heard claiming, loud and clear, that he had nothing to do with the said Law. How come? Well the answer is simple: In the former case the declaration was for local consumption (in Pakistan), while the other announcement was made before Western audience! Can you blame people for raising questions about Allama’s motives?
Who are subject to Blasphemy Law?
In yet another example of his “split” personality, in another clip he was heard claiming before local (Pakistani audience) that the Blasphemy Law applied to everyone, to all men and women and to followers of all religions but in another clip he was seen and heard loud and clear telling foreign audience that the Blasphemy Law applied to Muslims only. How come, again! The Allama or his Mureeds (religious followers) have yet to come up with an explanation.
Loud mouthing
Instances of loud mouthing by the Allama, not just in tit-for-tat to stupid remarks by our Security Minister, but also at the least provocation, real or imagined, are not uncommon. At one time when one of his people was trying to secure the door of his Container Royal he was heard to shout, fully aware that media was carrying every word to tens of millions: “Leave the door open. No Mother’s son (Ma’ee ka Lal) will have the courage to enter!” and in the same breath: “If someone trespasses I will knock his teeth in”! Phew! Restraint is certainly not one of Allama’s virtues. His threat to run over the Parliament with his horde if this or that demand were not met by the deadline given by him also falls into the demagogic (rabble-rousing) category. As we go to press the Allama has crossed all limits of civilised political interchange and has used words in criticising the Sharif Brothers that I won’t want to sully this column by quoting here.
Comparison unbecoming
In his angry public outbursts the Allama has cited example of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and Yazeed in own support versus the present rulers in particular Nawaz Sharif, reportedly his erstwhile backer and benefactor. As an Islamic scholar the Allama should have known better. If he were to compare his own secure and secluded luxury and his followers’ homeless, shelter less misery under the cold sky during the Dharna in Islamabad with Hazrat Imam Hussain’s (RA) march to Karbala with his followers he would perhaps feel ashamed about having cited their example so glibly.
Canadian Citizenship in question
As we write these lines we learn that the Allama “was summoned by The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) on Friday after being in breach of the oath he took while seeking asylum” and asked to explain how come he had claimed when seeking Canadian citizenship that his life was in danger in Pakistan whereas he was currently in Pakistan and able to travel around freely. Troublesome people, these Canadian officials! May we advise the Allama to call Pakistan’s Security Chief Rehman Malik as witness to support the claim the Allama made for the privilege of becoming a Canadian Citizen and in the process vowing allegiance to the British Queen. But for that the Allama will need to first mend fences with RM!
A new phenomenon
The ongoing negotiations between the Allama and nominees of the Government in respect of the conduct of the General Elections are sure to keep the limelight on the Allama and on his sayings and doings. We will know thereby which way the wind (stirred by him) is blowing. Keep watching for more on a new phenomenon in Pakistani politics.
Wajid Naeemuddin, "Spotlight: Rediscovering Allama Qadri!," Business Recorder. 2013-01-22.Keywords: