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Poor governance and the sad state of Lyari

One is not sure what to be surprised at more. The killing of Rehman Dakait, one of Karachi’s most famous gangsters, or the fact that he has now overnight become “Sardar Rehman Baloch,” the man who is supposed to have defended the poor people of Lyari from

Kamal Siddiqi, "Poor governance and the sad state of Lyari," The News. 2009-08-17.
Keywords: Political science , Politics , Politicians , Political leaders , Policy-Government , Terrorism , Vote , Dictatorship , Corruption-Politics , Gen Zia ul Haq , Government-Pakistan , Benazir Bhutto , Lyari , MQM , PPP
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Poor governance and the sad state of Lyari

One is not sure what to be surprised at more. The killing of Rehman Dakait, one of Karachi’s most famous gangsters, or the fact that he has now overnight become “Sardar Rehman Baloch,” the man who is supposed to have defended the poor people of Lyari from

Kamal Siddiqi, "Poor governance and the sad state of Lyari," The News. 2009-08-17.
Keywords: Political science , Political leaders , Politics , Political parties , Politicians , Crimes , Corruption , Schools , Mass media , Democracy , Police , Government-Pakistan , Gen Zia ul Haq , Pakistan , PPP , MQM
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