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Partly Facetious: ANP, MQM targets of attacks

“The attacks on MQM headquarters as well as on ANP leadership are simply appalling.” “Agreed, and MQM has said that elections in this environment cannot be free and fair.”

“I would just like to point out that the MQM has been part of the government for more than a decade just past and so has some responsibility for the current level of security lapses shall we say.”

“But MQM was not privy to security decisions, the provincial government of which MQM was a part, took decisions that were vehemently opposed by the party and need I add during Zulfiqar Mirza’s rein of terror MQM loyalists were targeted.”

“Rein of terror?”

“I am sure MQM would refer to that period as such, and if you recall the guy at the centre was Rehman Malik playing the role of a liaison officer between the MQM leadership and his own party’s leadership; he used to traipse over to London frequently to stay the MQM anger and thereby keep the party in the coalition.”

“Right, so how is Malik? Haven’t heard hide or hair of him in recent days?”

“Still living in the beautiful Minister’s Enclave…”

“Don’t be facetious, just because Malik has a constituency of one and need I add that is all he needs.”

“Ah yes, but you know Malik has security provided from taxpayers’ money.”

“Where is Malik going? I mean it’s not as if he is campaigning or anything.”

“He needs hair treatment often and so …”

“Hush, don’t go there.”

Anjum Ibrahim, "Partly Facetious: ANP, MQM targets of attacks," Business recorder. 2013-04-27.
Keywords: Political parties , Political issues , Taxpayers , Leadership , Zulfiqar Mirza , Pakistan , MQM