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Ominous signs

The day after tomorrow the people of Pakistan are likely to learn once again, among other things, the futility of efforts to establish a democratic order without efficient, democratic party apparatuses.

The party that is to suffer the most for lacking an effective party machine is the PPP. Its capacity to avoid learning from past debacles, that were caused or at least accentuated by the non-availability of dedicated party workers, is truly phenomenal. It used to discount the role of an organised party structure by describing itself as a movement. It can no longer claim that title because no charismatic leader is visible to whom the masses can swear allegiance.

In fact, fully evident are the disastrous consequences of destroying party activists by allotting them sinecures in government or allowing them the privi-lege of chaperoning ministers or being photographed with them. That is why bets are being offered on the size of its losses instead of the chances ofits success.

Even the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI), that is currently riding high on a wave of popularity, may rueits lack of seasoned party workers in sufficient numbers. The young men and women who have just joined the party are no doubt full of enthusiasm but they need time to establish their credentials within their communities.

The party looks set to make a handsome haul of seats on polling day but its tally could be bigger if the space between the leader and the voters had a larger and more distinguished and active population.

Among the parties that are expected to do better than before the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) attracts attention. Its workers are constantly in touch with the electorate thanks to its strong following among prayer leaders at mosques and madressah teachers and controllers. However, the party may face some difficulty as a result of its cadres` change of roles from khuddam-ud-din to armed extremists, and the streak of arro-gance the party leader`s fatwa business betrays.

The party that can do with a narrow cadre base is, of course, the PML-N, becauseitrepresents theinterests ofthe class that has been wallowing in riches since the days when Ziaul Haq boosted Punjab`s economy with huge financial transfers.

Moreover, the party can attract travellers from one platform to another because it offers security from militants as well as the privilege of closeness to the custodians of Nazariya-i-Pakistan and certified patriots. Still, it has reason to be wary of the challenge from the PTI.

Far more important than the fate of political parties in the election is the question as to what lies ahead for the country and its luckless people. Chances are that whoever the winners on Saturday may be democracy is unlikely to be amongst them After making allowances for the challenges electoral arithmetic presents, onemay say that the provinces look set to go their different ways. It might be difficult to deny the PML-N a majority in the Punjab Assembly but elsewhere we may see strange experiments in coalitionmaking.

In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa we may have a coalition between the PPP, the JUI-F and the Awami National Party or a JUIF-PML-N coalition, assuming that the PTI remains true to its decision against joining any alliance. Balochistan may have a choice between an alliance of the JUI-F, the PML-N and the Balochistan National Party-Mengal or one between the JUI-F, the PML-N and the Pakhthunkhwa Milli Awami Party (PkMAP).

The latter arrangement, or any other combination that leaves the Baloch nationalists or the PkMAP or both out, will be born with a hole in its heart.

Sindh`s future will depend on the extent of the damage the PML-N and the 10-party alliance in Sindh can cause to the PPP and the harm the PML-N and religious parties can do to the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM)in urban Sindh.

If the losses to the two parties are bearable, a PPP-MQM coalition may come on top. If the PML-N and the 10-party alliance finally get a majority, stability may elude Sindh for quite some time.

As regards the centre, democratic opinion will be satisfied if any party gets a majority of the seats or comes close to that mark. One does not know whether the establishment will let the front-running PML-N have that honour and to what extent Imran Khan will be able to realise his dream of making a clean sweep, but in any case the state is likely to tilt further towards a theocratic dispensation.

This will be due partly to the outgoing government`s failure to sustain the people`s trust in a left-of-centre platform and partly to a campaign by some judicial authorities and the babus of theElection Commission of Pakistan to foster religiosity.

The implications of this shift are going to cause serious problems, at least in the short run. The pressure for making up with the militant extremists, on their terms, will increase and they will increase their pressure forhelping the Taliban regain control of Afghanistan, for delaying the process of normalisation with India, and for moving further away from the US. The zealots in the legislature, the judiciary and the media will be emboldened to pursue Zia`s agenda to establish a religious oligarchy.

Unless the next government comprises mindless morons it will soon realise the impossibility of meeting all these demands to the satisfaction of the religious lobby. As a result, it will be obliged to spend time and resources on compromises designed to keep the wolves at bay. As Dr Fazlur Rahman, an authority on both Islam and Pakistan, once pointed out, the religious extremists will eventually fail because they have nothing to offer to a modern society but they will cause incalculable harm to Pakistan before finding their place in history`s dustbin. Ominous signs, no doubt.

I. A. Rehman, "Ominous signs," Dawn. 2013-05-09.
Keywords: Political science , Political parties , Political relations , Political issues , Political process , Elections-Pakistan , Post government-Pakistan , National issues , Democracy , Extremism , Politicians , Politics , Islam , Zia ul Haq , Fazlur Rahman , Pakistan , Balochistan , United States , Punjab , Afghanistan , PPP , PTI , JUIF , PMLN , MQM