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Not the business of the state

On Aug 18, a letter from Citizen of Pakistan Naeem Sadiq of Karachi (naeemsadiq@gmail.com) was printed in this newspaper of record. The subject was a ‘Request for suo moto notice’ and it was an appeal to the chief justice of the Sindh High Court.


Ardeshir Cowasjee, "Not the business of the state," Dawn. 2009-08-23.
Keywords: Political science , Political leaders , Politics , Citizens , Democracy , Violence , High court , Supreme court , Mohammad Ali Jinnah , Zulfikar Ali Bhutto , Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry , Pakistan , DHA
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Not the business of the state

It has taken a mere 62 years — a blip in the life of many a nation, many an empire — for those who pass for politicians, both civil and military, to nearly dismantle Pakistan. Those of little genius have managed to do so to the best of their ability. In t

Ardeshir Cowasjee, "Not the business of the state," Dawn. 2009-08-16.
Keywords: Political science , Political leaders , Politicians , Leadership , Politics , Law , Corruption , Military , Democracy , Citizens , Mohammad Ali Jinnah , Pakistan , India
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