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Keti Bandar included in CPEC

It is heartening to note that Keti Bandar and Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) have been made part of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). KCR is still the most viable project as per a study of JICA. The then prime minister, Yousuf Raza Gilani, in his opening speech as prime minister promised to give the nation a new port Keti Bandar along with a 100-day priority agenda; however the then government miserably failed to deliver on any agenda item.

The Port Qasim was also conceived in the 1970s and it is likely to turn into an industrial hub port by 2025. It is seriously affected by silting issue because it is in close proximity to the Indus Delta and South West Monsoon. The annual maintenance dredging cost runs into 1 billion rupees to maintain 12-meter draught. The plans are on way to deepen the port to 14 meters costing about $140 million. The present annual dredging BOQ is 5 mill cu meter and when dredged further, it is estimated that annual maintenance dredging will be around 10 mill cu meter thus costing in excess of 2 to 3 billion rupees to maintain the desired depth.

The initial planners and hydrographers at the time of conceiving the Port Qasim errored as they could not make the right estimate of annual maintenance dredging quantum and cost which was far low compared to today’s $5 per cubic meter and the cutter dredging cost of $20 per cu. meter. Furthermore, the channel is 40-km with sharp bends restricting night navigation. Time is money for ships and ship owners; hence the need for deep draughts are required. Non-availability of night navigation for deep draught and long channels are considered as a disadvantage in port planning. There is, therefore, the need for a proper feasibility study of Keti Bandar.

It is strongly expected that the planners of Keti Bandar will study some critical aspects such as the geological history of the Indus delta, coastal hydraulic survey, currents, littoral draught, hydraulic model studies, coastal geomorphology, Alexander Burnes’ surveys of the river Indus and earthquake epicenter and geologic structure of the Indus basin while carrying out a hydrographic survey, wave patterns, and forming of breakers, etc.

While referring to Indus Delta Map, Keti Bandar is approachable via Hajamaro creek which runs beyond Ghora Bari. Since no hydrographic and other studies, which were carried out in the last decade, are available, it could be anybody’s guess that how much dredging will be required to meet today’s generation vessels of 14/16-meter draught and thereafter the quantum of annual maintenance dredging to maintain the channel. It is expected that a proper feasibility by competent hydrographers and port consultants would be carried out evaluating dredging and maintenance cost bearing in mind the incidence of high cost at Port Qasim. The other aspect to be borne in mind is excellent hinterland connectivity before the port is built. We must learn from the experience of Gwadar port, which is still handicapped due to non-existent of hinterland connectivity. It is therefore imperative that the hardcore professionals having experience of port development are engaged in this assignment of national importance.

We must also learn from the experience of dredging cost at Port Qasim and that of our neighbours, ie, India, Bangladesh and Thailand, etc. For example, the Hooghly river has silted the Calcutta port, leading to the development of new port of Haldia at the mouth of the Hooghly.

The next generation vessels are post-Panamax needing 16/18-meter depth and futuristic vision is Suezmax, Malacamax of 21 meter, thus in all probabilities a site which is prone to heavy siltation being in Indus Delta costing billions in dredging and thereafter incurring annual maintenance dredging cost of billions may only be considered after adequate hydrographic surveys and financial feasibilities. We must have more ports. Port development is a science and all issues have to be addressed professionally.

India has 12 major ports and 185 small ports and they are investing $15 billion in port sector and $12 billion in developing a quadruple triangle, ie, logistics connecting all major cities to cater to over 1 billion tons of imports and exports by 2020. India is improving its inland waterways. In this regard, it has launched Sagar Mela project.

Last but not least, the River Indus had many ports in the past – Patala, Debal, Lahori Bandar, Shah Bandar, Gharo, Keti Bandar, Vikar, Daragi and Bambhore. These ports were destroyed due to the ravages of the river or by the change of its course. We must therefore learn from the history and take a very scientific and cautious approach insofar as the selection of the site of new port is concerned.

We must endeavour to make Keti Bandar a deep water port. We must also make Port Qasim fully operational. There is a strong need of optimal utilisation of Karachi Port and Port Qasim as we embark on the development of a new port.

Captain Anwer shah, "Keti Bandar included in CPEC," Business Recorder. 2017-01-03.
Keywords: Economics , Economic forecasting , Geologic structure , Financial institutions , Professional employees , JICA , CPEC , KCR , BOQ