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Judicial activism

In interpreting the constitution and the law, some of the judges pay close attention to the text and go by the generally understood meaning of the words used, intent of the original lawmaker and relevant precedents. This disposition on their part is known

Anwar Syed, "Judicial activism," Dawn. 2009-07-26.
Keywords: Political science , Parliament , Politics , Constitution , Supreme court , Democracy , Judges , Judiciary , Courts , Law , Chief justice , Citizens , Tax , Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry , Rana Bhagwandas , Gen Musharraf , Pakistan
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Judicial activism

Pakistan is slowly slipping into a chaotic and ungovernable state, resulting from decades of military rule,
dysfunctional parliaments and democratic governments, poor governance and the declining quality of public
institutions. Deep transformational refor

Abid Hasan, "Judicial activism," The News. 2011-10-09.
Keywords: Political science , Political parties , Supreme court , Military rule , Government-Pakistan , Civil society , Election , Judiciary , Tax policy , Taxes , Tax revenue , Pakistan
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