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Gujrat riot in the making

President Asif Zardari may want to take note of this: one of his men has decided to openly put his faith in the powers at Aabpara. He is an old devotee and these are not particularly good times for jiyalas in Punjab. Loyalties are fast changing as the run

Asha’ar Rehman, "Gujrat riot in the making," Dawn. 2012-02-11.
Keywords: Political science , Political issues , Political parties , Political leaders , National issues , Government-Pakistan , Elections , President Zardari , Nadeem Afzal , Ahmed Mukhtar , Pervaiz Elahi , Gen Zia ul Haq , Shujaat Husain , Gen Musharraf , Ghazanfar Gul , Pakistan , Gujrat , Islam
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