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Good morning

Good Morning

Given the obvious, anxious challenges that the country faces this December, in a political climate of grim questions and gnawing growing concern, it could be a matter of opinion on how many citizens will realise that it was on this day, the 16th of Decemb

Nusrat Nasarullah, "Good Morning," Business recorder. 2009-12-16.
Keywords: History , Politics , Education , Leadership , Political leaders , Supreme court , Judiciary , Citizens , Democracy , Economics , Government-Pakistan , Zia ul Haq , Gen Ayub Khan and Gen Yahya Khan , Gen Musharraf , Nawaz Sharif , Zulfikar Ali Bhutto , Pakistan , India , Saudi Arabia , Bangla
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Good Morning

Perhaps one should begin with a prayer. A prayer for peace in Karachi, as indeed for the rest of the country. Where are we headed? Who is behind all this? Is there that hidden hand once again? Is there only a conspiracy that is at work, pulling strings? W

Nusrat Nasarullah, "Good Morning," Business Recorder. 2009-10-07.
Keywords: Political science , Politics , Political parties , Media , Peace , British , Police-America , Nawaz Sharif , President Zardari , Prime Minister Gilani , Syed Qaim Ali Shah , Karachi , Sindh , NGOs
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Good Morning

I suppose one way of beginning this column is to refer to the high profile, presumably decisive NRO theme, and its post 28th November consequences – which is literally ten days from today. So is perhaps, Eid-ul-Azha. A countdown of a kind has begun. A cou

Nusrat Nasarullah , "Good Morning," Business recorder. 2009-11-18.
Keywords: Politics , Political leaders , Political parties , Leadership , Parliament , Mass media , Law , Corruption , Sugar crisis , Judiciary , Supreme court , Journalists , Nawaz Sharif , President Zardari , PPP , PMLN , MQM , NRO
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Good Morning

There is so much that has been said and written with sadness, anxiety and anger so far on the Pakistan floods 2010, which is about three weeks since it began hitting land and people, and so much more that will come in the days ahead. But one would like to

Nusrat Nusarullah, "Good Morning," Business recorder. 2010-08-25.
Keywords: Political science , Political leaders , Political parties , Politicians , Politics , Corruption , Peace , Citizens , Flood , Disaster management , Aid , Foreign aid , Ban Ki-moon , Altaf Hussain , Nawaz Sharif , Pakistan , MQM
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Good Morning

In many ways these fake degrees and our collective attitudes towards this scandalous theme are signs of the times
for Pakistani society. I would, at the very outset, like to take a cynical view of this symbolic reminder of the
corruption and the dishonest

Nusrat Nasarulah, "Good Morning," Business recorder. 2010-06-30.
Keywords: Political science , Political leaders , Politicians , Politics , Parliament , Corruption , Law , Democracy , Mass media , Nawaz Sharif , CJ Iftikhar , Pakistan , PMLN , ECP , NGOs
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Good Morning

Good Morning

Is it at all possible, that there is nothing in Pakistan for the common man to laugh about? Which, of course, would seek to lighten the numerous burdens that he carries, grudgingly, angrily, with the protest bordering on rebellion? I can see that so easil

Nusrat Nasarullah, "Good Morning," Business recorder. 2010-05-06.
Keywords: Social sciences , Labor day , Social problem , Energy crises , Economic crises , World laughter day , Politics , Load shedding , Poverty , Corruption , Terrorism , Mumbai , Pakistan , India
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Good morning

I am sure that there are such people amongst us, who have wondered why at all has Basant and the kite flying madness that seizes Lahore in particular and Punjab in general, not caught on in Karachi. Having lived in Karachi for sixty years I do recall that

Nusrat Nasarullah, "Good morning," Business Recorder. 2010-02-24.
Keywords: Political science , Politicians , Politics , Political leaders , Elections , Poverty , Citizens , Mass media , High court , Democracy , Violence , Nawaz Sharif , Pakistan , PPP , PMLN , TV
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Good morning

Writing this column on the eve of Pakistan Day I was rather disappointed to see that the large imposing mausoleum of the Father of the Nation, Quaid e Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah was enveloped in darkness. Even the huge sprawling lawns, which should have bee

Nusrat Nasarullah, "Good morning," Business recorder. 2010-03-24.
Keywords: Science and technology , Power crisis , Energy crisis , Electricity , Politicians , Politics , Healthcare , Citizens , Law , Democracy , Violence , Mohammed Ali Jinnah , Pakistan , TV , KESC
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Good morning

I find myself equally agitated and concerned about students cheating in school examinations as I do about a dangerous drift that is perceptible in the state of affairs that are still prevailing in the country. The news coming out of Islamabad, or the prov

Nusrat Nasarullah, "Good morning," Business recorder. 2010-03-31.
Keywords: Education , Educational policy , Education system , Students , Schools , Universities , Examinations , History , Environment , Culture , Politicians , Politics , Democracy , Electricity , Power crisis , Pakistan , PPP , PMLN
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Good Morning

There was not a time when there were neither so many traffic intersections in our urban centres, nor was Pakistan at a crossroads so very often. It has become almost a deafening, depressing cliché to contend that this 62-year-old Islamic republic is at th

Nusrat Nasarullah , "Good Morning," Business recorder. 2009-12-09.
Keywords: History , Politics , Poverty , Violence , Citizens , Laws , Conflicts , Judiciary , Human rights , Martial law , Economy-Pakistan , Democracy , Independence day , Supreme court , Child labor , Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry , Gen Musharraf , Shaukat Aziz , Pakistan
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Good morning

Good Morning

Good morning

Is Pakistan troubled by its past? And how troubled really? Are Pakistanis today agonising over their 62 years of independence, perceiving collectively and unconsciously that a sense of waste and futility runs through their lives? For that matter, are we d

Nusrat Nasarullah, "Good morning," Business recorder. 2010-07-05.
Keywords: Political science , Political leaders , Political parties , Politicians , Politics , Supreme court , Crimes , Law , Democracy , 18th amendment , Benazir Bhutto , Zulfikar Ali Bhutto , Gen Gilani , Gen Musharraf , Gen Zia ul Haq , Pakistan , Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa , JWP , BNP , PPP , NWFP
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Good Morning

One does not need to make a detailed reference to the several grim, grave stories coming out from different parts of Pakistan, on literally scores of issues, to underline that there is a sense of fear that accompanies the ordinary citizen about what kind

Nusrat Nasrullah, "Good Morning," Business recorder. 2010-02-07.
Keywords: Political science , Politics , Education , Teachers , Democracy , Schools , Citizens , Mass media , Law Enforcement , 18th amendment , Budget , Terrorism , Terrorists , Supreme court , Aaj TV , Gen Musharraf , Pakistan , TV
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Good Morning

Two very depressing, disturbing speeches were made at the Jinnah Awards ceremony on Monday evening in Karachi. This was also the occasion for the launch of the second edition of The Jinnah Anthology, which has been compiled and edited by Liaquat Merchant

Nusrat Nasarullah, "Good Morning," Business Recorder. 2009-04-22.
Keywords: Political science , Politics , Politicians , Politics-Pakistan , Democracy , Terrorists , Nizam-e-Adl , Al-Qaeda , Taliban , Education , Health , Civil war , United States , Partition 1947 , Quaid-e-Azam , PAF , MQM
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Good Morning

Were one to choose a solitary colour to describe the mood of Eid-ul-Fitr 2010 (1431), it would be an obvious gray. Varying shades of gray depending upon the intensity with which one views how Eid was experienced across the land, and depending upon the per

Nusrat Nasarullah, "Good Morning," Business recorder. 2010-09-15.
Keywords: Islam , Allah , Holy Prophet (PBUH) , Quran , Sunnah , Hadith , Islamic law , Ethics , Freedom , Eid ul Fiter , Festivals-Muslims , Ramazan , Pakistan , Afghanistan , India , ODI , UAE
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Good Morning

Of course the sugar crisis will subside and melt away into the overall rising cost of living, and the ever increasing cost of food items that ordinary people are battling with. Cynically speaking, it will be overtaken or sidelined by another major and fun

Nusrat Nasarullah, "Good Morning," Business recorder. 2009-08-19.
Keywords: Political science , Political leaders , Politics , Politicians , Sugar crises , Domestic budget , Trade , Markets , Prises , Government policy , Extremists , Extremism , Democracy , Shaukat Aziz , Gen Ayub Khan , Pakistan , TCP
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Writing this column on the 12th of October 2009 makes one acutely, and sadly conscious of the fact that it was on this day that the then army Chief Pervez Musharraf seized power from a civilian government. This began the fourth military rule in the countr

Nusrat Nasarullah, "GOOD MORNING," Dawn. 2009-10-14.
Keywords: Political science , Politics , Political leaders , Political parties , Terrorists , Law Enforcement , Kerry Lugar Bill , Terrorism-GHQ , Leadership , Dictator , Corruption , Suicide bomber , History , Military , Marshal law , Pervez Musharraf , India , Afghanistan , Ayub Khan , Gen Zia-ul-Ha
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Good Morning

I was on a heavily congested Burns Road on a cloudy Monday evening around 6.15 pm, when came the news of the targeted killing of the MQM MPA Raza Haidar on my cell phone. Different anxious thoughts followed. The traffic was extraordinarily heavy. But ther

Nusrat Nasarulah, "Good Morning," Business recorder. 2010-04-09.
Keywords: Political science , Political leaders , Political parties , Politicians , Politics , Democracy , Target killing , Crimes , Corruption , Pakistan , PPP , ANP , MQM
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Good Morning

Will Pervez Musharraf return to Pakistan this year, as was being speculated in the media before the release of the United Nations report on the assassination of Mohtarma Shaheed Benazir Bhutto? If not this year, when will he return? In fact, there are tho

Nusrat Nasarullah, "Good Morning," Business recorder. 2010-04-21.
Keywords: Political science , Political parties , Political leaders , Politics-Pakistan , Politicians , Lawyers , Dictators , Benazir Bhutto , Pervez Musharraf , New York , Pakistan , UN
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Good morning

In looking at the fear and the pessimism that characterises Karachi today, it is pertinent to keep in mind that it is almost twenty five years now that the Sindh capital has been experiencing bloodshed, and trauma, political restlessness and instability –

Nusrat Nasarullah, "Good morning," Business Recorder. 2010-10-03.
Keywords: Political science , Politicians , Politics , Political leaders , Political parties , Citizens , Democracy , Mass media , Violence , Terrorism , Terrorists , Pakistan , Sindh , MQM , ANP , JPMC , PTV
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