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The president, PM or any member of cabinet have not visited Fata even once since assuming charge of their posts. The KPK governor who is the president’s representative in Fata is running the show from his palatial house in Peshawar I have been pleading th

Ayaz Wazir, "Fata," The news. 2012-07-25.
Keywords: Political science , Political issues , Political parties , International issues , Drone attacks , Haqqani network , Military operations , Balochistan issue , Soviet union , Al-Qaeda , Corruption , Bureaucracy , Ali Shinwari , Pakistan , United States , Islamabad , Kashmir , Afghanistan , KP
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An issue that should have been debated in parliament was the subject of an international conference – the status and future of Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata). Reforms to integrate the tribal areas into the state system have yet to f

Dr Maleeha Lodhi, "Fata," The News. 2010-02-12.
Keywords: Political science , Mass media , Conferences , National Assembly , Economic development , Political parties , International issues , Parliament , Crimes , History , Education , Pakistan , Wilton Park , Afghanistan , Khyber Pakhtunkhwa , FATA , CAMP , FCR
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While a section of the FATA population has welcomed the proposed changes in the Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR), another section has expressed dissatisfaction. In normal times such differences might not have mattered but in the situation created by a pro

I.A. Rehman, "FATA," Dawn. 2009-08-20.
Keywords: Political science , Political leaders , Political parties , Politics , Conflicts , Democracy , Population , Crimes , High court , Prime Minister Gilani , Pakistan , FATA , FCR , NWFP , ANP
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