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On November 3, 2007, the Supreme Court of Pakistan passed an order that was not acceptable to the executive at the time. It decided that the Supreme Court had stepped out of line, had become too much of an obstruction in its way and needed to be cut down.

Sameer Khosa, "Enough!," The news. 2012-09-06.
Keywords: Political science , Supreme court , Swiss cases , Political leaders , Political process , Political issues , Government-Pakistan , Decision making , Judiciary , Politics , Democracy , FIA , NRO , NAB
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The increasing incidence of violence involving our state agencies, it hardly needs saying, is symptomatic of a
systemic problem. The murder in cold blood of a young man in Karachi came as a huge shock to us all as we could
see it on our television screens

Saida Fazal, "Enough!," Business Recorder. 2011-06-16.
Keywords: Social sciences , Social rights , Social ethics , Social crisis , Social needs , Social values , Social development , National issues , Violence , Corruption , Crimes , Pakistan
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