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Courage for economic reforms

While the parliament dither and they take out petty scores the country is burning. The political parties are full of behaviour that cannot be condoned. Politics is about lifting yourselves above small things and working for the people of this country. That political parties have done this needs to be proved. It is alright for these PMs and CMs to pat themselves on the back as if everything is above is right in the country. Is it the Islamic republic and what does that mean? Have they done anything on the mandatory provisions of the constitution and on the principles of policy? The problem with the constitution is that the draft was made by people who were head and shoulders above the current lot. They are high and dry when it comes to interpreting the various aspects. Our policymakers as well as economists are defunct as their efforts are based on obsolete knowledge or on unverifiable opinions.

What then has to be the basis of economic reforms for after all they have a full-fledged minister for the purpose of developing this nation and he has sought the help of more defunct individuals than I can remember in the history of this country. Is this due to the corrupt elements that we have in this country? Corrupt in the mental sense and not on the monetary sense. Can a weak and improvised government deliver? Is that delivery that we see in the mass murders that are taking place in Karachi, in Balochistan and in the other two provinces?

All this prodigality is but one aspect of the disorder that is there in this country. But we have arrogance and conceit of a different kind. When will this arrogance lead to excessive weight that will lead to the death of the present regime everywhere? How much of this expenditure could have gone towards ameliorating the excluded population and providing them with some of the basic necessities. Billions in external debt and billions in internal debt do not seem to matter. This takes away the vigour from an economy and puts it on the wrong track.

The public may not say it in so many words but the public views this prodigality with a lot of contempt. All that is required is that the politician visits the panwala or the barber’s shop or the meat seller to determine the abuse that has been fostered on these politicians. The exceptions are Dasti and Sheikh Rashid who seem to be men of the people.

The excessive expenditure on determining and making the life of the PM easier regarding Yemen is of no concern to the people. What amount of expenditure has been undertaken for these meetings? This amount could have been spent on the people of the lesser provinces and included them in the development process. But the conveniences of the core politicians are more important. Their sexual escapades are still above the knowledge of the public but once these are within their knowledge then the veneer of decency would be removed also.

Is there any one eminent criterion that is to be applied between a weak and a welfare government? Why do our public reps chicane before a desire and an event to take action against the criminal element? How have assets been gathered? Why should the FBR not gear itself to take action? We have inherited absurdity after absurdity. Do we have a long and lasting pedigree of mismanagers? Does the political system defend its errors? The assembly is evidence enough but this malaise has entered the social systems as well. There are so many egoists that have never committed any error and therefore in the land of the Paksaff the devil is not visible.

If the social system has put in to the public domain one aspect it is the wisdom for an early reform. Not the kind of reform that we witness from egoists in the political system. While dead bodies are falling around us the politicians and the party in power are enjoying the fruits of extravagant living. Their thoughts are so crude that it is unbelievable to any except those that have seen and heard them while the National Assembly is in session.

It is in the interest of the government to speak the truth and to weigh the consequences of telling lies? Pakistan is barely surviving. It is financially surviving because of remittances received from abroad. The textile industry was supposed to export goods worth 50 billion dollars according to the highest authority. They are still looking at the holes in their socks. The advertisements in the newspaper are evidence enough of their past and present record. Go to any industrial sector and you will find parasitical behaviour. They have yet to learn to compete in world markets. There is no correction either.

The test of any nation is when the work of the powerful leaders is examined. Will our leaders pass the scrutiny? Since this is an abuse it should now be part of essential reform. Anything that is held in disregard by the constituents should be part of the reforms. All other activities are meaningless. If that does not happen we will be part of the revolution that may be more cataclysmic than what Pakistan has ever seen. It is partly in position through the many acts of violence that we see covered by the media.

Who will pursue the desires of the people? If not the government then the people will take the law into their own hands. That is more dangerous than gun powder.

So where is the solution? It lies in the heads of the policy and political figures. A comprehensive view has to be taken and a survey of its jurisdiction by eminent people from within the country. Precious time has already been lost. Idiots who stand in the way of this kind of an economy and who prevent methodising the economy to the needs of the people have to be taken care of even if it means removal from the party. Private power(s) cannot be allowed to debauch and pervert the origins of decent principles. Irrespective of who these people are the law of the land must be exercised. There are no holy cows in the system of governance. Ultimately the parsimony of the leaders will be appreciated and their luxurious measures deprecated.

All the interventions are costless and in fact will save a considerable amount of resources to be placed in the direction in which it should have been. First, all obsolete institutions to be removed. Second, all public estates are made productive and the dead wood is removed. Third, that all organisations that do not bring more than what they expend should be reduced to change. Fourth, all obstructionist offices that the WB/IMF have imposed be removed – all the Ogra and Pemras etc.

Fifthly, impartiality be made a second nature for the public service. The constitution be amended to determine the extent of protection to those who stand up against tyranny and abuse from whatever quarter. Sixthly, that all treasuries and financial institutions are subject to asset formation for the self and these have to be taken to task. Seventhly, the idea of public service without let or fear has to be furthered.

So what is the cost factor? None. The order allows the mind to be superior to brawn and unreason. Pakistan has to go with reason. There are enough good men in this country to perform on the above basis. Eminence is not thrown on to prominent designations. They are all passing shows.

Dr. Zafar Altaf, "Courage for economic reforms," Business recorder. 2015-04-19.
Keywords: Political science , Political issues , Political system , Political reforms , Political parties , Economic issues , Economic planning , Economic reforms , Constitutions-Pakistan