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Capital suggestion

Our current system of checks and balances is not working. We have a democratically-elected representative political government and a constitutionally-mandated separation-of-powers system. Yes, the judiciary is now claiming its long-lost domain. Yes, the m

Dr. Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The News. 2010-09-06.
Keywords: Political science , Political leaders , Political parties , Politicians , Politics , Corruption , Democracy , Judiciary , Law , National Assembly , Pakistan , PMLN , PMLQ , MQM , PPP , ANP
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Capital suggestion

Capital suggestion

Barack Hussein Obama II, the 44th President of the United States, is nothing but politics these days. For America, the most important day for calendar 2010 will be Tuesday, the 2nd of November 2010 — the day that the battle for Capitol Hill takes place.

Dr. Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The News. 2010-10-11.
Keywords: Political science , Political parties , Al-Qaeda , White House , Foreign policy , Government-Pakistan , Taliban , Politics , Economy , President Obama , Holbrooke , United States , Afghanistan , Saudi Arabia , CIA
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Capital suggestion

On December 30, a suicide attack on Forward Operating Base (FOB) Chapman killed at least seven CIA operatives. Of the seven, Harold Brown was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the US army and continued as a major in the Army Reserves. Of the seven, S

Dr. Farrukh Saleem , "Capital suggestion," The News. 2010-01-17.
Keywords: Political science , Political leaders , Political parties , Terrorism , Terrorists , Suicide , Black water , Al-Qaeda , Drone attacks , War-Terrorism , President Bush , Pakistan , Afghanistan , United States , CIA , 9/11 , entertain
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Capital suggestion

On October 12, Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani, addressing the distribution ceremony of Watan Cards and Waseela-e-Haq said, “We have been running the government in a befitting manner for the last two-and-a-half years…” Recently, Pew Research Cent

Dr. Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The News. 2010-10-17.
Keywords: Political science , Political parties , Political leaders , Supreme court , Watan Cards , Government-Pakistan , Terrorism , Corruption , Leadership , Economic , Drugs , PM Gilani , President Zardari , CJ Iftikhar , PMLN , PPP
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Capital suggestion

Media, Pakistani as well as American, does not know the truth about the Abbottabad incident. Politicians, Pakistani
as well American, also do not know the truth. Neither do our military commanders. Remember; Operation
Neptune’s Spear was one of the most s

Dr. Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The News. 2011-05-15.
Keywords: Political science , Political history , Political change , Politics , Military operation , Diplomacy , International relations , Pakistan , United States , CIA
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Capital suggestion

Any ‘fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well’. The truth is that America
isn’t Pakistan’s friend – never has been, never will be. The truth is that Obama, Clinton, Kerry and Mullen are all
floating around the w

Dr. Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The News. 2011-05-07.
Keywords: Economics , Foreign policy , PNS Mehran , Load shedding , Election , Budget , Raja Pervaiz Ashraf , President Obama , Hillary Clinton , Jon Kerry , Hamid Gul , Aslam Baig , Pakistan , United States , Gujar Khan , PPP , 2011-2012
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Capital suggestion

umping Sufi to tame Fazlullah and stirring Zainuddin to take on Baituallah — the more we stir the worse we sink. Putting out a fire in Swat and then rushing to Waziristan — a strategy or strategic confusion? Is the enemy inside or outside, within or wit

Dr. Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The News. 2009-05-08.
Keywords: Political science , Terrorism , Terrorists , Taliban , Politics , Judiciary , Democracy , Operation-Sawat , Military-Pakistan , Military-India , Judges , Lawyers , Nizam-e-Adal , Prime Minister Gilani , President Zardari
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Capital suggestion

First things first. For years they tried but couldn’t wheedle him out of the prison. Now he is a prisoner of his own experiences. How are they then going to wheedle him out of the presidential palace? Next; the NRO was scripted for a president from the ar

Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The News. 2010-01-24.
Keywords: Political science , Political parties , Political leaders , Supreme court , Military-Pakistan , President , Mass media , Judiciary , Constitution , Corruption , Prime Minister Gilani , President Zardari , Chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhary , Pakistan , Islamabad , Lahore , Waziristan , NRO
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Capital suggestion

Capital suggestion

Pakistan is at war. West of us, around 650,000 square kilometers of Afghan landmass is at war where the combatants are NATO-ISAF plus the Afghan National Army, on the one side, and the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Hezb-e-Islami and Hizbul Mujahideen on the other si

Dr.Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The News. 2010-05-10.
Keywords: Political science , Al-Qaeda , Tehreek-e-Taliban , Suicide attacks , Flood relief , Foreign aid , Foreign policy , Indus River , Indian Air Force , Hizbul Mujahideen , Indian army , Terrorism , Power , Democracy , Violence , Taliban , Pakistan , Islamabad , Rawalpindi , NATO
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Capital suggestion

In February 2010, our exports amounted to $1.52 billion. For the period July-February 2009-2010, foreign
remittances landing on Pakistani shores sent in by Pakistanis working abroad amounted to $5.7 billion. In February 2010, the rate of inflation stood a

Dr. Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The News. 2011-03-13.
Keywords: Economics , Economic policy , Economic system , Economic crisis , Trade policy , GDP growth , Land , Fiscal year , Fiscal policy , Economy , Gen Musharraf , Pakistan
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Capital suggestion

Cocaine sells for Rs10,000 per gram and kills rich Pakistani addicts. Ephedrine, ‘poor man’s cocaine’, sells for Rs1, 000 per gram and kills poor Pakistani addicts.

According to Asim Khan’s ‘Addicted to cocaine’, “Nasal insufflations force cocaine to sho

Dr. Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The news. 2012-12-05.
Keywords: Health sciences , Health issues , Narcotics , Parliament , Cocaine , Judiciary , Law , Drugs , Pakistan , INCB , ANF , SAARC , WHO
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Capital suggestion

The Year of our Lord 2009 was about three things: failure of politics, two military successes and a determined judicial organ bent upon inducting an incisive moral dimension into the Pakistani state and society. Imagine; after 3,000 days of a uniformed ru

Dr. Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The News. 2010-03-02.
Keywords: Political science , Politics , Political leaders , Crises , Corruption , Inflation , Judiciary , War-Terrorism , Violence , Election , Law , Military , President Zardari , Swat , Malakand , Shangla , Buner , Dir , Pakistan , Waziristan
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Capital suggestion

Pakistan was born into a bi-polar, politico-military confrontation between the former Soviet Union, along with its satellite states, and the US allied with its client states. Pakistan, with an empty treasury and an inimical potent neighbour in the east, n

Dr. Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The News. 2010-01-09.
Keywords: Political science , Politics , International relation , History , Foreign policy , Democracy , Violence , Nuclear weapons , Transport , Aircraft , Pakistan , Afghanistan , United States , CENTO , SEATO
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Capital suggestion

In 2008, Karachi elected 20 MNAs, the most from any one city. The MQM won 17 general seats and the PPP won
three. The NA-239, 248 and 258 are PPP strongholds. In NA-248, Nabeel Ahmed Gabol of PPP polled some 85
percent of all valid votes. NA-240, Karachi

Dr. Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The News. 2011-07-09.
Keywords: Political science , Rural areas , Political parties , Military-Pakistan , Politicians , Politics , Election , Khawaja Saad Rafique , Hamza Shehbaz , Nowshera , Sialkot , MNAs , MQM , PTI , PMLN , PPP
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Capital suggestion

Pakistan was born into a bi-polar, politico-military confrontation between the former Soviet Union, along with its satellite states, and the US allied with its client states. Pakistan, with an empty treasury and an inimical potent neighbour in the east, n

Dr. Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The News. 2010-02-09.
Keywords: History , History-Pakistan , International relation , Foreign policy , Politics , Aid , World war II , Economy , Military-Pakistan , Afghanistan , Pakistan , United States , CIA , IMF , ISI
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Capital suggestion

What, why and how of revolutions. What is a revolution? In the simplest of terms a revolution is a “drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving”. In essence two operating terms: thinking and behaving. These drastic, far-reaching chang

Dr. Farrrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The News. 2010-09-19.
Keywords: Political science , Islamic Revolution , Lawyers movement , Pakistan army , Military-Pakistan , Government-Pakistan , Economics , Culture , Power , PPP , PMLN , MQM , ANP
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Capital suggestion

2010 is Election Year for America. On Nov 2, voters will elect 440 members of the United States House of Representatives. The same day, elections will be held for at least 36 of the 100 seats in the Untied States Senate. The same day, gubernatorial electi

Dr. Farrukh Saleem , "Capital suggestion," The News. 2010-10-02.
Keywords: Political science , Political parties , Democratic Party , Election , Taliban , Drone attack , War-Terror , Election 2010- United States , Afghanistan , Pakistan , Washington , President Obama , United States , ANA , ANF , CIA
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Capital suggestion

Gallup Pakistan, which is not related to The Gallup Organisation, has it all wrong. The Pew Research Centre, the Washington-based think tank, also has it all wrong. On August 10, a newspaper report claimed that “The latest Gallup survey shows President As

Dr. Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The news. 2012-08-16.
Keywords: Political science , Political issues , Political process , Political parties , Political history , Muslim league , Government-India , India act-1935 , Gallup organisation , Elections , Mohammad Ali Jinnah , Sikandar Hyat Khan , President Zardari , Pakistan , India , PTI , PPP , PMLN
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Capital suggestion

Episode I: The Sansad Bhawn (parliament of India), with Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi as the prime minister, passes the 24th Amendment to the constitution. In 1972, the following year, parliament passes the 25th and the 29th Amendments.
Episode II: The Sup

Dr. Farrukh Saleem, "Capital suggestion," The News. 2010-02-06.
Keywords: Political science , Political leaders , Parliament , Law , Judiciary , 18th amendment , Constitutions , Supreme court , Constitution 1973 , Gandhi , Gen Zia ul Haq , PM Gilani , Pakistan , India
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