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Attempting to demystify mafia

I only write this article because the most overused term on the media of Pakistan is the word ‘Mafia’. Sheikh Rashid, the Nostradamus of Pakistan, starts and ends his interviews with this word. The citizens of this hapless country have been overexposed to the word ‘mafia’. The truth is, there is no mafia in Pakistan. With an economy of less than US$400 billion a year, it is not worthwhile (Walmart has an economy of US$420 billion). Yes, there are small syndicates, groupings, cartels – they all fall under the title ‘mini-mafia’, at best. There are some large syndicates and thousands of small groupings – doctors, lawyers, civil servants, the entertainment industry, poultry producers, the IPPs, sugar, teachers. Each profession has its own small groupings. Even ‘Heera Mandi’ in Lahore has a union to protect the rights of the call girls. But unfortunately, Pakistan has no Pan-Pakistan umbrella body to promote organized crime. Like some other countries.

This is the problem Imran Khan faces. How to reform these thousands of small syndicates who benefit from the status quo. Mr AZ, whom I admire greatly, had the makings of becoming a don, the numerouno. But he blew it for various reasons. The Sharif clan had all the hallmarks of creating a Pan-Pakistan Mafia. They were ruthless, conniving, cunning, rich and had utter disregard for national or human rights. Just the right qualities. Unfortunately, they became too self-centered and lost sight of the bigger picture. But if Maryam Nawaz ever emerges as a leader, I would be happy to do business with her. The only mafia, in the true sense, was the MQM. When in full bloom they had complete control over their domain – Karachi. Altaf Bhai and his henchmen called all the shots for 15 years. Anything that stood in their way was demolished.

Currently, Covid-19 has created many mini-mafias. I salute the dedicated front liners who are laying down their lives on the line. But the nefarious elements are cashing in on – from the start of the supply chain to delivery. Whereas Covid-19 will produce mass misery and death in Pakistan, it will also produce billionaires.

Internally, organized crime is the biggest industry in the world. The world GDP, pre-Covid, was US$88 trillion. Of this 30% comes from crime. Hence the growth of organized mafias. In Japan, a relatively peaceful country, the umbrella mafia organization is known as the ‘Yakuza’. Their take is 7-10% of the GDP. In Hong Kong it’s the Triad organization. They run Hong Kong. Even the mainland Communist Party collaborates with them. Italy of course has many mini-mafias. No one knows who is the Cappo de Tuti. I have visited Naples and Sicily a few times. One can feel their presence in everything. The USA, of course, has been home to many mafia families since its inception. The most famous case concerns President John F. Kennedy. In his rise to power, Joe Kennedy (JFK’s father), was indebted to the mob. After WWII Havana, Cuba became the ‘Sin City’ for the mob. Mega investments were made in casinos, hotels, brothels and distilleries. When Batista, the mob-planted ruler of Cuba, was overthrown by the revolutions of Fidel Castro, the mob was very concerned. Castro was invited to the USA by President Eisenhower to let the mob operations continue. Eventually, Castro either shut them down or nationalized them. When JFK ran for President, and won narrowly, it was because of mob support. A side deal had been made. The series of events that followed – the Bay of Pigs and the JFK assassination – are all part of this deal.

Israel has a notorious underworld. Very organized. Very tech savvy. Very brutal. The Israeli military (IDF) and the secret services rely on them and use them extensively. Every large country has an organized criminal group used by their respective governments. India has now come out openly about RSS being the largest criminal group – linked by an umbilical cord to Modi’s party.

FAROOQ HASSAN, "Attempting to demystify mafia," Business Recorder. 2020-05-11.
Keywords: Economics , Political science , Demystify mafia , Mini mafia , Pan Pakistan , Human rights , Communist Party , Joe Kennedy , F. Kennedy , WWII , IDF , USA

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