These days, the apparent vast canvass of subjects that one thinks one can write about is, in fact, a mere mirage as all of them melt into just one inherent malady: a morbid absence of sincerity and willingness to fill the gnawing crevices which are tearing the country apart.
If one were to discuss the issue with someone who, one may think, would be concerned about the fast-aggravating situation, one is stunned to see the finger pointed outward at a host of individuals, but never inward at their own failings.
This, to me, is the fundamental factor in the making of the tragedy which has dug deep into the national psyche. Everyone, most notably the ones whose hands are irremediably soiled in the framing of this disaster, pretend to be saints with not a stain on their conduct or character. But then, this may not be an individual’s doing alone.
At times, state institutions play a major role, much bigger than the individual’s, in shaping the tragedy. This is rooted in creating a situation where the difference between right and wrong is erased, and criminals are washed clean of their crimes and anointed to occupy seats of power to commence their act all over again.
Nothing could reflect this malady more gravely than the homecoming to state reception of a convict and absconder who was helped to escape prison to undergo medical treatment vide a mere guarantee provided by his brother. The initial leave of six weeks stretched to over four years when a deal was struck for him to be brought back to rule the country in the wake of Imran Khan’s removal. The manner the justice system has accommodated his pleas for relief in gross and blatant violation of all principles of jurisprudence, all benchmarks of law, and all constraints of morality will be scripted as a chapter of shame and ignominy of the institution.
The much-reviled convict was accorded VVIP protocol immediately upon arrival in the country, even before he had approached a court of law for provision of relief which was not his right. Instead of him landing in the prison he had escaped from, and then initiate steps for nullifying his sentence if the same were possible, the prosecuting agencies withdrew their original complaints against him, thus creating an unprecedented situation exclusively to his benefit. Additionally, the state institutions ensured presence even at airports to dispense a variety of services to him which are provided to ordinary citizens at much expense and humiliation. This completely vandalised the integrity and compromised the very existence of these institutions as also of the perpetrators of this travesty.
This was happening in a beleaguered country where the weak and the impoverished spend a lifetime begging for justice which is their inalienable right as per the statute book. It is, therefore, no wonder that a vast majority of people believe that Pakistan is afflicted with two justice systems: one is reserved exclusively for the rich and the powerful where courts do not hesitate being present at their doorsteps under pressure of the eternally lurking shadows or in exchange for lucrative deals, and the other is meant for the weaklings of society who move around with their palms spread skywards in incessant prayer for their cases to be heard. Let’s not forget that, in some instances, alleged criminals have been hanged to death only to be subsequently found innocent by the courts.
Where do we go from here? Apparently, and gauging by the manner things are presently being conducted in the political, legal, and administrative domains, a decision has already been taken to hoist a convict in power in violation of all provisions of the constitution, law, and morality, and by bulldozing whatever shred of justice may still be visible. The pillars of constitutionalism have been compromised and those speaking up for restoration of the rule of law are made to survive under the shadows of the bayonets. All avenues of peaceful protest have been blocked and those daring to disagree are made to suffer immensely.
There is also this other factor which is further accentuating the already visible divide. This relates to an extreme of inflexibility and palpable unwillingness to see the other side of the story. The extent of self-righteousness and espousal of crime as an instrument of power which seem to be dictating this narrative of division and discord is frightening as this can potentially drive the country to the brink of ruin. Without a modicum of doubt, we are fast heading in that direction.
Should we, therefore, say that, in this environment of oppression and repression, this is a moment to stay quiet and pray for it all to pass soon? Or should we say that there comes a time in the history of nations, as we are witnessing at this juncture, when silence becomes a crime and that we must speak up irrespective of the cost one may have to pay? There are scores of such brave people, women and men who did so and are suffering the tyranny of the state as a consequence with relevant institutions turning a blind eye to the blatant denial of justice to them. They have suffered as they continue to, but they refuse to surrender before the instruments of absolutism.
With forces of division and hatred having taken over, and more of it likely to come, peaceful resistance assumes additional relevance. Staying quiet will only strengthen the hands of the oppressors and convince them that they can control the proponents of constitutionalism and the rule of law and subdue their valour and resilience by unleashing state brutality. If one were to skip through pages of history, one would realize that such objectives are never achieved by brandishing force which, in fact, propels the brave further to continue waging their struggle for the ascendency of the democratic principles which give a voice to the weakest and the most disadvantaged.
The current scenario has a further damning component to it: the forces of oppression represent the forces of crime as well. With the assistance and aid of the state and its institutions, the whole process is aimed at hoisting a proven convict and absconder in power who should be spending time in prison completing his term. He is not where he should be. He is gradually inching his way to the echelons of power through a veneer of staging fraudulent and non-representative elections.
This makes for a perfect recipe for ruination of the state. Silence is not an option any longer.
Raoof Hasan, "A recipe of ruination, a lifetime of shame," The News. 2023-11-03.Keywords: Social sciences , Rule of Law , State brutality , Crimes , Jurisprudence , Pakistan , VVIP