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SDG 16 & financial crimes: challenges

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels— Sustainable Development Goal 16, United Nations…

Improving tax compliance

The caretaker government has set up a tax reforms taskforce to come up with recommendations to close the ‘tax gap’ due to weak compliance, without requiring any additional tax policy…

FATF’s appraisal of technical compliance

For Pakistan, the outcome of the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) meeting, held in Berlin on June 17, 2022, was not different from the earlier ones—it continues to be among…

FATF – financial politics

"Money is the mother of all politics", Jesse. M. Unruh. A statement that has been debated but not disputed. This is visible in the classification of the world into the…

Compliance dilemma

Undoubtedly, every action has consequences, but it’s not always your own deeds which invite trouble. Sometimes, other people’s missteps may also cost you dearly. This is the dilemma a slim…

Financial instability

In 2016, this writer wrote as many as six articles on Offshore assets of Pakistani citizens, which have been compiled in the form of a book. This endeavour, however modest,…

Call For Independent Financial Reporting Body

Call for independent financial reporting body

The Audit Oversight Board (AOB) established under the SECP Act, 1997 to regulate audit profession in the country and the Accounting Standards Board (ASB) recently formed under the control of…

Financial instability

In 2016, this writer wrote as many as six articles on Offshore assets of Pakistani citizens, which have been compiled in the form of a book. This endeavour, however modest,…