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Pakistan’s ‘war On Terrorism’

Pakistan’s ‘war on terrorism’

FINALLY, Pakistan has declared its own ‘war on terrorism’. The North Waziristan operation, the prime minister’s pronouncements and the adoption of the Protection of Pakistan Bill by the National Assembly…

Terrorism: a technique of war?

After the cataclysmic events of September 2001, a war was declared on ‘terrorism’. Some feeble attempts were made to explain the nature of this beast but the frenzy was not…

The War Against Terrorism

The war against terrorism

Whenever terrorists carry out acts of ultimate bestiality like the attacks on APS Peshawar and the Bacha Khan University, they invariably cause a deep sense of grief. The natural reaction,…

Terrorism In Peshawar

Terrorism in Peshawar

The terrorist attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar on December 16 in which more than 130 young, innocent students were martyred, was cruel and conscienceless.  Many of those…

Just War And Terrorism

Just war and terrorism

THE theory of ‘just war’ is a widely used paradigm for analyzing the morality of international relations, specifically warfare. The just war theory maintains that warfare must meet certain criteria…

A new Afghan war in the offing?

The famous quote "Geography is destiny" aptly applies to Pakistan, which remains a permanent prisoner of its geography. In the last 70 years, Pakistan has fought six open wars and…

Struggling against terrorism

IT has been a decade since the attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar, which killed some 150 students and staff in December 2014. It was the darkest moment in Pakistan’s…

Peshawar’s last sentinel

The grand old man of Peshawar, Haji Ghulam Ahmed Bilour, recently announced his retirement from parliamentary politics. At 84, Haji Bilour is the oldest surviving member of the Bilour family,…

Two wars

FOLLOWING 9/11, the ashes of the World Trade Centre in New York ignited fires in different parts of the world. Even now, 23 years later, those fires are proving difficult…

Fighting terrorism

TERRORISM is as old as war, which means as ancient as the first traces of organised human community. In the middle of the last century, Sindh suffered the ravages of…