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WEF: Some Forum It Is!

WEF: some forum it is!

Every year plutocrats get together at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos to review the developing economic trends and explain how financial markets, trade, employment, governance and environmental pollution…

At The WEF’s ‘India Summit

At the WEF’s ‘India Summit

Mumbai is a city of contrasts, which are never so apparent as when one comes in to land at the International Airport. High-rise developments are ubiquitous in shantytowns, ongoing construction…

At The WEF’s ‘India Summit

At the WEF’s ‘India Summit

Mumbai is a city of contrasts, which are never so apparent as when one comes in to land at the International Airport. High-rise developments are ubiquitous in shantytowns, ongoing construction…

Bridging the digital gender divide

“People say I am a genius. I might be one, but I am not the only one. There are many other Pakistani girls and boys like me. All those gems…

Can China help Pakistan?

With the new governments ready to assume duties both at the federal and provincial levels, all eyes are on significant challenges and immediate risks, which necessitate comprehensive scrutiny. These challenges…

Debt, inequality and austerity

‘In most western countries, inequality is rising, and social mobility has stalled. Our citizens are losing purchasing power. They are struggling to find a decent job, to buy a proper…

Building trust

THERE is no doubt that climate change is one of humanity’s most complex challenges and needs to be urgently tackled. But is the world faltering in forging a cohesive response?…

Elections in the age of AI

Former prime minister Imran Khan may have been wrong about many things, but his statement that “this is an era of artificial intelligence (AI)” is right on the money. There’s…