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Unchecked power in a university

What happens when you put a man in charge of a university, grant him virtually unchecked power over staff and faculty who in turn have unchecked power over students, vest…

The Company Towns

The company towns

In 2007 I was head of the Management Association of Pakistan. In October of that year I was attending a management conclave in Kolkata. The hosts for this conference were…

Austerity plans?

The outrageous raise in the salaries of Punjab Assembly members has left people bewildered. The increase is completely out of proportion and shocking for sensibilities of a nation where many…

Dead girls

THEY say you cannot tell if a man is a murderer simply by looking at his face. In the case of Bryan Kohberger this may not be the case. Kohberger…

It’s not a one-off

FOR my generation of Americans, which came of age in the 1990s, the sacking of the US Capitol is incredibly difficult to process. And that’s because it’s so markedly different…

Dictating discourse, banning books

On May 10, 1933 – in a revolting incident not witnessed in Europe since the Dark Ages – students in Berlin carted over 25,000 books to the State Opera square,…