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Let’s protect our mangroves

Rapid and reckless urbanization around Karachi, alongside industrial developments, led to a significant loss of mangrove habitat. Pollution caused by untreated industrial effluents, deforestation, and land reclamation for housing development…

AI for education

Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping education globally, promising accessible, personalized and effective learning. Unesco is committed to supporting member states to harness the potential of AI for achieving the Education…

Surviving the infodemic

Five years ago, the world was on the brink of its biggest humanitarian crisis in about a century. Today, Covid-19 is no longer in daily headlines. However, the infodemic it…

Our own PTSD

I AM proposing a new ailment unique to Pakistanis: Perpetual-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I am not making light of our situation. On the contrary, I’m asking we recognise how this PTSD…

Move towards better policymaking

According to a recent analysis of Scimago, the world’s leading database of scholarly literature and analytics, Pakistan has witnessed remarkable advancements in the last twenty years in international research rankings…

Jabalia death march

IT will live in history: the Jabalia death march. As reported by Al Jazeera, the fleeing Palestinians were carrying white flags while going through checkpoints, but the Israeli bombardment continued.…

Our digital liberty

THE latest GSMA Mobile Gender Gap report (using 2023 data) shows some positive global developments with regards to women’s access to mobile phones and internet usage through these phones. According…