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Transparency, taxation & reforms

Macroeconomic conditions have improved over the course of the program. Growth of 2 percent is expected in FY24 given continued recovery in the second half of the fiscal year. The…

Transparency matters

On December 29, barely a week after calling for proposals for reforming judicial appointments and shortlisting eight significant areas on which proposals were sought from additional persons, the Judicial Commission…

Transparency and the RTI

Pakistan’s Right to Information (RTI) Act is playing an instrument role in generating information that can help hold the corrupt accountable for their actions. The Toshakhana case is one such…

Lack of transparency

The latest report on perceptions of corruption, released by the Berlin-based Transparency International, has – as it does each year – led to the release of angry words from both…

Pakistan’s international rankings

Recent assessments by international agencies of Pakistan's relative position in South Asia generally place it at the bottom of the table, especially with regard to the rate of economic growth.…

Pakistan’s international rankings

Recent assessments by international agencies of Pakistan's relative position in South Asia generally place it at the bottom of the table, especially with regard to the rate of economic growth.…

Pakistan’s international rankings

Recent assessments by international agencies of Pakistan's relative position in South Asia generally place it at the bottom of the table, especially with regard to the rate of economic growth.…

Bailout transparency needed

KUDOS to the prime minister for ensuring that the beleaguered economy and the markets were buoyed as he secured a bailout package from a Khashoggi murder-weakened Saudi Arabia ‘unconditionally’. On assuming…