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Carbon trading prospects

THE world is losing the Race to Zero. Many governments and large companies that had committed to net zero are faltering. Since carbon trading is the central plank of emission-reduction…

Trading electables

Political activities will heat up in the wake of the announcement of the national elections by the electoral watchdog. One of the ubiquitous activities in the run-up to every national…

Pakistan’s trading partners

There have been questions raised on the extent to which foreign policy of Pakistan should reflect its trading relationships with individual countries, regions, and groups of countries which are members…

Economic satire: Episode 3: Trading

Fatman muttered under his breath, “If you think about it, the Mercantilist had got it right.” “Well then stop thinking.” Greybeard growled, eliciting a guffaw from Fatman. “A think-tank not…

Trading with the enemy

The economic model that the country has been using since its birth is positively faulty. It has also consigned the country to regional economic isolation. As a result we have…

Trading in the age of automation

As Pakistan tries to regain its foothold in the world export market, the global export scenario is undergoing a drastic disruption. Suddenly it is not cheap labour that the manufacturers…



Gaius Julius Caesar, the third emperor of the Roman Empire, nicknamed Caligula, had a favourite horse called Incitatus. Caligula loved Incitatus to the point that he promoted his horse and…