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Negotiating with terrorists

WHEN it comes to addressing terrorism, the divide between the military and political leadership is stark — the former favours a coercive approach, and the latter a political settlement. This…

Global terrorist threat

THE deadly attack on a concert hall in Moscow last week, which left around 140 people dead, marks the expansion in the terrorist operations of the so-called Khorasan chapter of…

They called Mandela a terrorist

WHEN the lights suddenly go off, we mostly lean on our primordial instincts to negotiate the darkened room with memory of passage through the maze of obstacles and locate, say,…

Fatwas don’t work with terrorists

Pakistan’s establishment understands only too well why fatwas (religious edicts) against terrorism never work with terrorists. Its ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) partnered with America’s CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) to create the…

Terrorist hydra raises its head/s again

Since the victory of the Afghan Taliban in August 2021, and contrary to the fond hopes of our establishment that their ‘friends’ now ensconced in Kabul would help restrain the…

Who’s a terrorist?

THE banning of TLP as a terrorist group has produced an oddity. Many liberals oppose this action against an organisation whose vile ideology contradicts liberal tenets as their respect for human rights…

‘Catching’ the terrorist

SHE has been admired for her prowess at getting ‘inside the minds’ of terrorists. As late as 2019, Rukmini Callimachi, a Romanian-American journalist at The New York Times, was called “arguably…

Inhuman terrorists’ rights

AGAINST the backdrop of official silence, unnamed sources are leaking like a sieve and, with each emerging detail, it is becoming clearer that the prophets of doom and gloom and…

‘Safe haven’ for white terrorists?

THEY didn’t understand terrorism until it was too late. Ever since 9/11, and arguably even in the years prior to that, Americans believed that terrorism was a Muslim problem. Such…

Return Of The Terrorist

Return of the terrorist

The rash of terrorist attacks in recent days throughout the country, shocking and tragic as it is, should not have come as a surprise. Informed observers (including this writer) had…