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Tribalism to technology

Do we need guardrails to protect our people, especially the youth, from the polarizing and soul-destroying impact of social media? To answer this, we need to see how social media…

Unite and rule

Divide and rule was the dreaded curse. Historically, the British Empire was blamed for playing the divide and rule strategy to fester, create and sustain conflict in territories they enslaved…

A place called home

It is unfortunate that since Prime Minister Imran Khan announced the Naya Pakistan Housing Programme, his ‘flagship project’ aimed at constructing five million houses for lower income segments over the…

Elaborate narcissism

A 13-MONTH-OLD girl from KP’s Tank district became Pakistan’s 69th victim of polio in 2024. The numerous full-page advertisements and a commemorative ‘polio free’ postal stamp showing a photo of…

Right (wo)man for the job

Just like there is always the right tool for every job, there is a right person for every position, someone who possesses the skills and experience necessary to address the…

The Kurram conundrum

The Kurram district, situated in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, has historically been a region of considerable strategic significance and cultural depth. Nestled along the western frontier, it shares a volatile border with…

The new colonisation

THE world already knows about the outsize role that the richest man in the world — billionaire Elon Musk — played in the 2024 American presidential election. As has been…