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Development of Special Technology Zones

Software development and IT-enabled services (ITeS) for data centres, technical service/call centres, and telecom services make up the majority of the Pakistani ICT industry. After India, Bangladesh, and the US,…

Technology prevails

Technology; the strongest resource of our times, is grossly mis-understood in the Islamic World. While technology produces, science consumes resources. It is all about application and commercialization of scientific research…

Minerals for growth and development

Recent global experience shows that minerals have driven high economic growth in many low and middle-income countries. With the right approach, they can be equally useful in Pakistan, to drive…

The trouble with technology

AN important global debate is underway about the disruptive impact of new technology. There is no doubt modern technology has been a force for good and responsible for innumerable positive…

Let technology save the tax system

An anaemic tax-to-GDP ratio is a reality that is reiterated time and again. Similarly, a distorted taxation structure that is regressive, and heavily penalizes the most vulnerable segments of society…

China’s development, dividends for Pakistan

As both China and Pakistan are celebrating their 73rd Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, and keeping in view Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s successful visit to China in early…