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Sweden takes EU presidency

Sweden takes over the EU’s rotating presidency from January 1 vowing to maintain unity on Ukraine and uphold free trade in the face of calls for a tougher response to…

Sweden Is No Exception

Sweden is no exception

Sweden has failed to escape the emerging phenomenon of the far-right making gains across Europe. In the September 9 general elections, established political parties have suffered losses at the hands…

Sweden And The EU Agenda

Sweden and the EU agenda

The first-ever Pakistan-European Union summit was held mid-June with Czech President Vaclav Klaus in the chair but the more daunting task of giving substance to the many promises made at…

Errant PM2.5

THE Indo-Gangetic Plain and the Himalayan foothills straddling Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India, and Pakistan are increasingly getting a bad rap as the global hotspot of air pollution. Home to over…

Quality Education

Quality education

High-quality engineering education has played a key role in the rapid development of certain Asian countries such as Korea, India and China. In Korea, the establishment of the Korea Advanced…

Global economy takes Trump guessing-game in stride

Global economic policymakers had been braced for an economic firestorm from the new US administration but instead got a surprisingly restrained start from Donald Trump, who remains big on rhetoric…

The Trump doctrine: trade wars and tensions

The slew of political and economic measures announced by the Trump Administration has created an impression that the world is returning to an era of an insane protectionism and intense…

A smoke-free future

As a general physician practising in Pakistan, I frequently witness the devastating impact of smoking on my patients’ health. From respiratory diseases to heart conditions, smoking is often at the…