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The Missing Link…street Power

The missing link…street power

Our mandated leaders, embattled and besieged, could have done without this latest addition to their troubles: the impending arrival of Pakistan’s stormiest and most mercurial cleric, the Reverend Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri.…

Street Power Perils

Street power perils

“It is quite possible for this newborn democracy to retain its form but give place to dictatorship in fact. If we wish to maintain democracy not merely in form, but…

Powerlessness of the street

How many protesters make a political tsunami? Imran Khan had promised a tidal wave of one million of them to ‘lockdown’ Islamabad on Wednesday. His plans, we saw, went awry…

Off the streets and on the list

In a crucial milestone for the nation, Pakistan is preparing to launch its first-ever National Sex Offenders Register this November, signalling a firm commitment to combat sexual violence. Women and…

Limits of power

AS the dust settles and the politicians assume office, it is time to take a dispassionate look at the emerging dispensation, with a particular focus on the four principal players:…

The street speaks

PAKISTAN’S game of thrones continues to prove that truth is stranger than fiction. After 48 hours of unrest following Imran Khan’s forcible arrest by Rangers personnel on the premises of…

People’s power in BD

PEOPLE’S power has toppled one more authoritarian regime. Another bloody day in Bangladesh ended in triumph for the uprising in that country. Defying a nationwide curfew, hundreds of thousands of…

The street vendors

Nearly every household in Karachi has heard this person making the rounds, especially if you are living in apartment blocks situated in middle class neighbourhoods. Listening to him, you wonder…

The power of the cult

In history, three thinkers have done more than any other to shock the world. The first was 16th-century astronomer Copernicus, who refuted the centuries-old geocentric view of the universe. Copernicus…