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Unlocking the potential of stock splits

Corporate actions are important in shaping investor sentiment and activating market activity in the rapidly changing financial markets. However, out of all those activities, stock splitting is among the strategic…

Is the stock market out of line?

It is. I say this because I think that as the stock market climbs by nearly 60 per cent in the past six months, its rise is not in sync…

The exchange rate: a steady hum of discontent

No economic variable captures the popular imagination in Pakistan more than the exchange rate. After Pakistan moved from a fixed to a flexible market exchange rate in the summer of…

Navigating exchange rate labyrinth

Classical economic theory of demand and supply for goods applies just as well to a currency, the Pak rupee, the dollar or any other. The demand for the Pak rupee…

Unhedged debt stock could supercharge euro rise

Euro zone investors who have snapped up over a trillion euros worth of foreign debt without protecting the foreign exchange risk are rethinking that vulnerability because of the currency's hefty…