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Two speeches, two visions

If any further reminder of the world being in disarray was needed, the speeches delivered by the presidents of two superpowers, the United States and China, provided it at the…

TA Tale Of Three Speeches

TA tale of three speeches

THE day Asif Zardari was supposed to make one speech, he ended up making three. Well, he only meant to make two, but he made three. This isn’t statecraft; it’s…

A happier childhood for all

How protected, happy and most importantly ‘wholesome’ are all our children’s lives? With an estimated 107, 662, 243 children under the age of 18 in Pakistan (Unicef, 2023) the question…

Debatable debate

IS leadership about oratory, rabble-rousing, long marches, or dharna in our context? Although political campaigns worldwide rely on debating ability, so do debating societies; these are forums for expanding discourse.…

A tale of literary events

Hardly a month passed since the World Cultural Festival enthralled the denizens of Karachi when the Arts Council offered another fairly successful ‘Aalmi Urdu Conference’ coupled with ‘Jashn-e-Karachi’ from December…

Fade out: Biden disappears into background

In the twilight of his political career, Joe Biden is disappearing into the background even before Donald Trump returns to the White House, despite growing turmoil at home and abroad.…

Digital graveyard

ARBITRARY network shutdowns and slow internet speeds have been the defining feature of 2024. The ever-revolving circle on the screen harks back to the dial-up days, where one would hear a cacophony…