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Special courts and sexual violence

In the backdrop of the Lahore motorway rape case, President of Pakistan Dr Arif Alvi exercised his presidential powers under Clause (1) of Article 89 of the Constitution of the…

Can courts fix the climate crisis?

THE realities of climate change that seven-year-old Rabia Ali had warned us of eight years ago have hit home. Take, for example, the latest heatwave which thousands are experiencing across…

Military courts?

The Senate of Pakistan, the upper house of parliament, has endorsed a resolution asserting that the Supreme Court’s judgment on military courts encroaches upon the legislative prerogatives of parliament. The…

Military courts

Turkey has had civilian trials in military courts. Most of these trials were regarded as ‘fair’ and in accordance with ‘legal standards’. Civilian cases have been tried in military courts…

Courts, crises, controversies

One of the most significant features of the 18th Amendment was the withdrawal of the power to dissolve the National Assembly from the president. In 1985, this discretionary authority was…

Military courts

Here’s a list of countries where civilians have been tried in military courts: Argentina, Israel, Turkey, Thailand, China, Indonesia, Kuwait, Sri Lanka, Mali, Lebanon, Malaysia, Russia, Iran, India, Cuba, Djibouti,…

Courting the courts

MODERN democratic states generally operate through three distinct branches ie the legislature, the judiciary and the executive, with distinct areas of work. In some democratic states, especially the ones practising…

General’s ‘general law’ vs ‘special law’

The Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 was promulgated by General Pervez Musharraf, through a Presidential Ordinance on September 13, 2001, repealing the Income Tax Ordinance, 1979, which was also introduced by…

Courts for businesses

The World Bank’s Doing Business Report (2019) ranked Pakistan at 156 out of 190 economies on the ‘enforcing contracts’ indicator, based on the cost and quality of judicial processes, and…