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Problem with Punjab CNIC

AN unprecedented wave of province-wide violence in Balochistan, launched by the banned Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), has raised significant concerns about the level of unrest in the province and the state’s response.…

Education emergency: a social X-ray

THE prime minister recently declared an education emergency, a much-needed and welcome call to action. Our education system is in critical condition and experts must now step forward to revive it.…

The TikTok problem

TYPICALLY, you can’t get the red and blue tribes that make up the legislative branch of the American Empire to agree on anything at all, and so it came as…

Mental cost of social media

When joke becomes a reality—a cartoon on a person sitting in an addiction treatment clinic. The doctor is asking him what is he addicted to alcohol or drugs? He replies,…

A social contract

WATCHING the news recently, I heard the IG of Punjab Police berating women for having the audacity to be out protesting in public. He used the damning word ‘modern’ to…

The problem with Shahrukh Khan

MOVIE actor Nasiruddin Shah was promoting his book at a function in Delhi when his brother in the front row rattled him with a simple question. Why was it that…

Unruly social media

“A free press can be good or bad, but, most certainly, without freedom a press will never be anything but bad” — Albert Camus LAST Saturday, journalist Asad Toor finally…

Social breakdown

DUE to a variety of factors, inflation is rampant, and many economists do not see any relief in sight. There is a need to understand more about the impact of…

Problematic statistics

The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) has been endeavoring to improve the quality and coverage of statistics in Pakistan. These efforts include the preparation and dissemination recently of quarterly estimates…