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Insurgency and social change

THE recent killing of seven barbershop workers from Punjab in Gwadar is another indicator that the insurgency in Balochistan is evolving and intensifying demographic changes, which will impact the sociopolitical…

A social contract

WATCHING the news recently, I heard the IG of Punjab Police berating women for having the audacity to be out protesting in public. He used the damning word ‘modern’ to…

Women in social cohesion

The World Economic Forum's Global Gender Index 2021 ranks Pakistan at 153 out of 156 countries. Categorised on indicators of social cohesion including education attainment, health and survival, economic participation…

Moral panic and social change

LAST week in an interview to a private TV channel, the prime minister made several remarks about what he believed were indicators of moral degradation in Pakistani society, and the underlying reason…

Quaid’s Commitment To Democratic Norms

Quaid’s commitment to democratic norms

During his long political career, spanning some forty-four years (1904-48), Quaid-i-Azam Jinnah donned several roles. But whatever the mantle he donned, the Quaid stood steadfast by certain well-defined principles. Since…

Social Media War

Social media war

A Couple of months ago I wrote on these pages vis-à-vis the need to think critically about new information technologies and how they will shape life on the planet in…

Crafting Economic And Social Transformation

Crafting economic and social transformation

The manifestoes of the political parties - all political parties have listed most of the transformations that they will bring about if they came to power. Most of the political…

Climate’s gendered toll

Gender inequality in Pakistan is worsening as a result of climate change. Relatively speaking, women are in more desperate situations because of the prevailing socio-economic, cultural, and legal disparities. In…

A new role for men

Pakistan, a great nation brimming with resources, talent, and a vibrant history of inspiring leaders who created a great country, deserves a higher standing on the global stage. However, its…