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Two sides of the social media coin

WITH social media platforms running amok without much regulation or oversight, the hybrid Pakistani government and those considered established democracies in Europe, such as the United Kingdom and Germany, seem…

Insurgency and social change

THE recent killing of seven barbershop workers from Punjab in Gwadar is another indicator that the insurgency in Balochistan is evolving and intensifying demographic changes, which will impact the sociopolitical…

Education emergency: a social X-ray

THE prime minister recently declared an education emergency, a much-needed and welcome call to action. Our education system is in critical condition and experts must now step forward to revive it.…

Social protection in Pakistan

In Pakistan poverty levels have reached a high of 40 percent, equivalent to those in Sub Sahara Africa, and hence there is a compelling need for domestic and international stakeholders…

NSP and social cohesion

PAKISTAN is perhaps the first South Asian country which has now a comprehensive national security doctrine in documented form. The country’s friends and foes can interpret it in their own…

Politics and Bretton Woods institutions

‘The “Doing Business” controversy has shaken confidence in the World Bank and the IMF. But it must not obscure the real problems with the Bretton Woods institutions: the disproportionate power of…

Financing social protection without incurring debt

Expenditure on social protection will lead to accumulation of debt if not financed through revenues, grants or donations. A part of expenditure on social protection can easily be financed through…

Taxes, inflation & social welfare

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has achieved a historic milestone of collecting taxes of Rs 4.17 trillion in the first 11 months of the current fiscal year, for which…