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Can e-cigarettes help you quit smoking?

Giving up smoking is easier said than done because many adults resort to the natural quitting method — quitting cold turkey. This can have the capacity to increase the urge…

Uzair ‘the Smoking Gun’?

Uzair ‘the smoking gun’?

Lyari mobster, crime boss and political worker Uzair Jan Baloch, the former chief of the militant group formed by the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), the Peoples' Aman Committee (PAC), was…

Smoking Paradise Japan Tries To Kick The Habit

Smoking paradise Japan tries to kick the habit

Japan is moving to pass its strictest-ever smoking laws, but the country's powerful tobacco lobby wants to stub out measures that were adopted years ago by other developed nations. The…

Zarb-e-Azb, Smoking And Lung Cancer

Zarb-e-Azb, smoking and lung cancer

Zarb-e-Azb has begun. The stern military action that various circles in and outside Pakistan have demanded for years is now finally taking place. Some Pakistanis have expressed their support for…

Nicotine pouches: health challenge?

Pakistan’s nicotine pouch market represents a complex intersection of public health concerns, regulatory challenges, and shifting consumer behaviors that demand a careful scrutiny. Recent studies indicate that approximately 17.2% of…

A smoke-free future

As a general physician practising in Pakistan, I frequently witness the devastating impact of smoking on my patients’ health. From respiratory diseases to heart conditions, smoking is often at the…

Guiding youth

PAKISTAN is currently the world’s fifth most populous country. The majority of the population consists of youth between the ages of 18 to 30. The youth are our future, our…

Unable to breathe

The quality of air in Lahore and across many other parts of central Punjab is so bad that breathing in the outdoors feels like it’s worse than smoking two packs…

In smoke and shadows

Pakistan is grappling with a critical issue – a rampant illicit cigarette trade, dominated by non-taxpaying local manufacturers. This underground market not only drains vital tax revenue but also undermines…

Tobacco taxes – treaties, tensions, and trends

Pakistan faces a pressing need for a sustainable tobacco taxation policy, particularly as tobacco use imposes severe health and economic burdens on the country. With over 160,000 deaths annually due…