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Selling the family silver?

Whenever there is any news regarding privatization, suddenly there is always someone who starts a comparison of State Owned Entities (SOE) with the family silver. A previous asset that if…

Silver lining in sight?

The political drama continues. Arguments and moral positions switch in matter of days for politicians and media persons depending upon their respective political leanings. In a sense, those who claim…

A silver lining in the Covid-19 clouds

Clouds obscure the sun. The horizon becomes grey and dark. It seems all ominous. However, rays of sunlight do break through eventually to make the world seem brighter. While Covid-19…

The silver lining

THE old adage ‘every dark cloud’ carries a special relevance in pandemic societies where people have shown unprecedented survival skills, resilience and even growth. Teachers have kept students afloat by…

One silver lining

Fear-mongering is understandably in fashion this year, with prophets of doom having no shortage of new material to draw upon. But amid the endlessly bleak portents of our collective future…

Don’t sell family silver to foreigners

During the current year, two RLNG power plants, SME Bank, Services International Hotel, Jinnah Convention Centre, Islamabad and 27 other state-owned properties are being planned to be privatized. However, before…

Silver Lining

Silver lining

On January 28, US President Donald Trump finally unveiled his much-delayed Middle East plan to broker "peace" between Israel and the Palestinian people. Titled 'Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to…