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International Security Issues

International security issues

International security issues increasingly involve non-traditional factors, parameters of which “symbolize security from the threat of disease, hunger, unemployment, crime, social conflict, political repression and environmental hazards” (Ginwala 2002), h

Prerequisites for better border security

Pakistan faces a multifaceted challenge in addressing the pervasive issue of security of its borders, including but not restricted to smuggling having significant repercussions for the country’s economic stability and…

National security policy needs revisit

This is the second of a two-part series detailing the 2020 National Security Policy’s (NSP) ill-advised focus on economic diplomacy – ill-advised as the world moves from unipolarity to multipolairty.…

Maintaining security

THE new government has been sworn in and, as expected, has made the revival of the economy its top priority. Everything is set for the continuity of policies formulated during the PDM…

Realignment of security policy

THE state institutions made a mistake by deciding to initiate peace talks with the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan. The talks were doomed from the start. They allowed the TTP to regain their lost…

Internal security

IN the public domain, ‘internal security’ is a much-discussed, but not very well understood subject. Simply put, ‘internal security’ encompasses everything a state does to protect lives and property within…

Homeland Security & Pakistan

THE call for setting up an internal security structure on the lines of the US Homeland Security Department echoed again last week when the board of governors of the National…

Pakistan’s food insecurity dilemma

PAKISTAN’S new government will face old and persistent problems. The most ominous challenges relate to the state of the economy and, in particular, the food insecurity faced by the poorest…