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Is climate a security issue?

As the planet warms to red every summer, the era of the Anthropocene, or the man-made century, is turning out to be an existential challenge to humankind itself. In all…

International Security Issues

International security issues

International security issues increasingly involve non-traditional factors, parameters of which “symbolize security from the threat of disease, hunger, unemployment, crime, social conflict, political repression and environmental hazards” (Ginwala 2002), h

Issue-based politics

TODAY is day 15 of the UN’s 16 days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign. Before you stop reading, bored by the prospect of a feminist diatribe, consider that 28…

Addressing the larger issue

THE two adversaries have finally agreed to come to the negotiating table. The ruling PML-N and the opposition PTI seem to have taken a step back from their hard-line positions.…

Prerequisites for better border security

Pakistan faces a multifaceted challenge in addressing the pervasive issue of security of its borders, including but not restricted to smuggling having significant repercussions for the country’s economic stability and…

National security policy needs revisit

This is the second of a two-part series detailing the 2020 National Security Policy’s (NSP) ill-advised focus on economic diplomacy – ill-advised as the world moves from unipolarity to multipolairty.…

Beefing up security

THE dynamics of terrorism threats in Pakistan have shifted significantly since the Taliban took control in Afghanistan, challenging security institutions to develop an effective strategy to address these risks. The current counterterrorism…

Maintaining security

THE new government has been sworn in and, as expected, has made the revival of the economy its top priority. Everything is set for the continuity of policies formulated during the PDM…