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A Scientific Renaissance

A scientific renaissance

Global jihadists and their sympathisers in religious parties all over the world believe that beheading innocent people will make Zionists quiver with fear. They are confident that their vociferous anti-Israel…

Directory Of Open Access Journals

Directory of Open Access Journals

Welcome to the Directory of Open Access Journals. This service covers full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. There are now 10,154 journals in the directory. Currently 792 journals…

Climate change crisis and COP26

‘Parties to the 2015 Paris Agreement pledged to limit global warming to well below 2°C and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C relative to pre-industrial times.…

Bitcoin and the environment

The year 2009 was declared by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as the then second warmest year on record. The same year, the world’s first bitcoin was…

Music to the profiteers

In Pakistan, when it comes to music, you take what you can get. And more often than not, what you get is the backwashed brain-child of some beverage company’s marketing…

Two sides of Hunza Valley

IF you spend a few days in Hunza Valley, you are struck by its natural beauty. Karakoram’s unique mountain range, high peaks, glaciers, lakes, orchards, flora and fauna take your…

Health Notes

Health notes

Nephrology is the branch of medicine concerned with the physiology and diseases of the kidneys. The name comes from 'nephron', a functional unit within the kidney (a miniscule filter) consisting…