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Year of travel in the US

OVER the last year, I drove 30,000 miles exploring the western half of the US, staying in the extreme wilderness as well as glamorous cities, travelling on secondary roads rather…

Crisis of humanity

THE world watched in horror when Israeli forces attacked Al Shifa hospital in Gaza in another atrocity committed by a barbaric occupying power. Backed by tanks, the ground assault rained down terror…

If China and US normalise ties

JOHN Pilger warned in a documentary about an imminent US war on China. There are those that worry it could erupt between China and India even sooner. Both scenarios could…

US & South Asia

PAKISTAN’S strategic ties with China are the keystone of its foreign policy. But it also wants friendly ties with Washington and has been concerned that the US-China rivalry could restrict…

Not my vote

I registered to vote in 1998, and I have voted Democrat ever since. I have not always felt good about the candidates on the Democratic ticket. In fact, I have…