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Urban flooding

TAKING precautionary steps to minimise the damage wreaked on life and property seems high on the agenda of the various tiers of government in Karachi. The chief minister has held…

Child protection

A FEW weeks ago, an 11-year-old girl in Karachi was kidnapped, tortured, raped, and murdered. Her body was discarded in a garbage dump. The Sindh Police responded swiftly, and apprehended…

Sick sector

YOU’VE almost certainly heard of Multan’s Nishtar hospital; as south Punjab’s largest public sector hospital, it is visited by thousands of patients every year. Even if you’re not familiar with…

Beefing up security

THE dynamics of terrorism threats in Pakistan have shifted significantly since the Taliban took control in Afghanistan, challenging security institutions to develop an effective strategy to address these risks. The current counterterrorism…

Is Ogra listening?

I HAVE a confession to make. For the last two years, I had been involved in an illicit activity — getting an LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) cylinder refilled for use…

Gearing up for change

THE newly elected government of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has a rare window of opportunity to exercise leadership by aligning national climate action with the ongoing economic reform agenda. The…

Road to perdition

A GROUP of politicians from various parties is trying to put together a kind of floating think tank to sort out the country’s ills — political, economic, governance, etc. In…

Reform, relief, resilience

DISASTER relief is not a stand-alone operation. It cannot be effective unless clearly designed and aligned with reforms and reconstruction needed for resilience. Instead of rediscovering and reinventing our system…

And now what?

THIS is a question every sane Pakistani is asking. In every way, we are back to square one. We are swallowing our own tail. In March 2022, a former prime…

Policing climate change

ISLAMABAD Police have recently been given horses to patrol the walking track on Margalla Hills National Park. The Motorway Police have been given new automobiles and laser guns to monitor…